Leveling the already limited use Frost Giant, level 15 perk is Warden.
I can’t change the weapon type on this thrall, they are merely a glorified pet, and an accuracy perk for a thrall that cannot use ranged weapons is a disappointment.
A straightforward change would be to have Pets, Fighters, and Archers all have their own allowed perk pools. I’ve never had a horse get an accuracy perk and some of the perks in that pool do not appear anyplace else so it would appear as if the game mechanic already exists.
A more complicated system would be to have an RNG system based on choice. When a thrall levels, we would select which risk level we want, 1, 2, or 3.
Level 1 pool, low risk, low reward, perhaps an archer perk for a fighter but no negatives.
Level 2, moderate risk, moderate reward. Some negative effects but better positive options, along with all the options in level 1.
Level 3, the perk system as it exists now.
This would allow us to feel some agency in the process rather than the current, crapshoot, with the emphasis on crap.
As the perk system stands now, it is, at best, frustrating and a perk like Warden, -5 Vitality, + 8 Accuracy takes an already marginal fighter thrall and makes them much, much worse.