Fix the inconsistent Thrall perks please!

Please address or possibly acknowledge a possible internal discussion in regards to the thrall perks.
Currently its extremely broken in the following sense:

Random perks that don’t escalate, example : level 15 perk being more powerful in stat gain opposed to level 20 perk.
Why does my melee warrior, that’s labeled a fighter, even have the option to roll on accuracy?

How many thralls must one enslave, spend countless hours leveling, to get a stat or a full compliment of perks that are completely useless on the thralls primary role?

I have leveled over the past 3 days ( what a grind it’s been ) 3 x Snowhunters. 1st one rolled, level 10 perk was -3str and +3acc. level 15’s perk was +3str and -3 agil. level 20 was + to survival.
Second thrall, rolled jack of all trades, accuracy and finally vitality.
Third thrall looked promising with level 10 perk, Vanguard, +3 vit + 3 agi, level 15 Fit with 3 vit, and level 20 with… +3 accuracy.

Can it not be bound to role? Can archers not have a chance of rolling acc, agi, vit and surv, with warriors rolling between str, vit, agi and surv? this would make a lot more sense.

Possibly this feature of the pets and perks was rolled out with the intent of testing the waters and adjusting it further. One can only hope so. I’m tired of my beloved travel companions being brutally “bond broken” when their stats are as pointless as sipping on soup with a fork.

Finally before anyone does come forward with the argument, " thralls are as OP as anything already" let me say, yes, i agree. OP if you and your 4 clansmen are running with a full set of warriors, even one warrior fully kitted among you will be powerful. For solo players like me, its a godsend. I can actually enjoy the bosses, dungeons and other exciting things to do without the constant wipes.


It will make it all the more luscious and satisfying when you get a great thrall.

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I’ve posted a suggestion that I hope might be an acceptable solution:


the chances with this rng system of rolling useless perks on a thrall, will make this a complete luck out. you have 3 different perks, with multiple options per perk, so not only do you have to get lucky on just 1 perk roll, you need to get lucky on all 3 rolls. the chances of that are minimum. Have a look at some of the test videos. people spawn 100s of thralls, insta level, and sometimes just one, sometimes not even one, come out as a great/perfect roll.

As a normal player ( not admin etc ) how long would it take to fully level 100 thralls on a complete random chance to get a great roll? you have not even a 1% chance. Instead ill have an army of Melee fighters proficient at survivability and accuracy.

@CodeMage Indeed i dont mean its a useless perk or attribute, i mean its a useless perk for the class. fighters rolling on archer perks? May as well then give road signs to sailors, who knows when they will need those road signs on the open ocean.
In my opinion accuracy on a fighter is useless. what use is the bonus accuracy on a melee character.


None at all, particularly given the AI’s reluctance to switch weapons, so even if you were inclined to give your fighters a ranged weapon odds are it’d end in failure.

There is a difference between a useless perk (+accuracy on a Fighter) and a downright detrimental one (negative vitality or strength on a fighter) though. I mean neither is desirable, but I can tolerate the former, while I absolutely loathe the latter.

(dual-edged perks or upgrades in general are fine if it’s something you pick, but not when it’s randomly assigned)


Personally, I would find random dual-edge perk acceptable if it wasn’t for dual-edged perks that combine the “detrimental perk” with the “useless perk”. If every attribute was useful for every class, then I could live with random perks.


Yeah that’s a fair point. If my Fighter class thrall was at least guaranteed (say) a Strength boost to go with the Vitality negative (or vice versa), it’d be much more palatable. A useless bonus plus a harmful negative is just a double helping of Eff U.

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You dont necessarily need all the best rolls, just none of the worst. Just cuz a random thrall didnt get the st bonus is no reason to toss it in my book. The little +2 along the way is also part of the equation. Now if you want the very best thrall (in your opinion) that is going to take awhile, but I think thats intentional to keep people from stacking their 55 with only maxed thralls.

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What’s wrong with having a universal build? Why can’t fighters have a bow? Converted archers have daggers. Although fighters seem to transition better from a bow to a two-handed melee versus a single-handed melee.

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Nothing, in theory. In practice, fighters have a hidden penalty when using ranged weapons and archers have a hidden penalty when using melee weapons. Plus, there’s a bug somewhere, so some (but not all) fighters will never equip a bow, no matter how nicely you leave it in their inventory.

I wouldn’t mind it at all if they completely merged two classes into one and then we had the choice to level them the way we wanted. Even then, I would expect the perks to try to match the attributes we’ve prioritized.


this system is a complete mess right now, there is no justification, period!

It certainly doesn’t seem like it was particularly “planned” - then again it’s often very difficult to tell, Funcom’s propensity to hide critical information (because they think it’ll overload our feeble brains) means we operate on guesswork and stuff gleaned from the DevKit (which, while valuable, is only hafl the picture) a lot of the time.


All i can say it is that the whole philosophy of the game is this and seriously i can’t understand the problem.
Imagine everytime you trade a fragment for a scroll to have a different scroll, 2 hours farming and learn all the recipes…
Imagine everytime you kill red mama to take all the goodies, 1 hour farm…
Imagine sword of crom, or predatory blade etc, with a single farm…
It would be a 5 days game top. No i like the feeling of achieving something after a lot of effort. I really don’t care if it is difficult to fix an excellent thrall. And mostly i think there is a pattern how to do it, i know it in my bones there is and i will find out. Sorry if again what i say is against your thoughts, i don’t want to provoke anyone, it is just how i see this game and most of all why i keep playing it the last 11 months,. Thank you


Plus one thing i forgot to mention for my last 3 fighters, is that none of them has accuracy perks. Still i ‘ve never tasted the flavor of’ universal warrior’, but i am close. One last hint to the pvpers, learn how to pve first. The game is not only dragonpowder and raids.

Great way not to provoke anyone. Glad you missed the point of the problem as well.


After 300 fragments to get the kiln, I totally agree


I did it it again​:rofl::rofl::rofl:? Sorry my friend, realy not in my intention. But it is true, from all the pvp players i 've met, only a few knew how to pve. I don’t blame them, this is their way to have fun, respect. All i am saying is that the things for them would be more easy, if they knew mors pve. Thats all.

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You know I never thought of it this way because of the way I play, but there is probably a whole lot of truth to it. If youre focused on raids and attacking bases only, there’s a lot of the game that may get overlooked. All that content is relevant even if at the end of the day you just wanna crack that base and steal whats inside.

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Believe me i play in different servers all the categories, because each one is special and most of all, online gaming is a way to meet new people. On the pvp clan that i belong the last 2 weeks, all the time my team mates ask me about everything and when it comes to train thralls by the time they have one lvl 20 i have 3. I am their farmer and the deal to play with them is that on raids they are alone. I don’t like to bomb others no matter if this is the nature of the game. But when it comes to defend, i always stay infront of the walls to repair them. If it is necessary to fight then i do it. All i try to tell you is that i love the teamwork that pvp have, it is awesome and you cannot have it on pve or pve c. I never underestimate neither pvp or players , it is sad though that most of pvp players in this game underestimate pve. Please take no offense to my writing, I think Greek and i type English and this sometimes gives wrong impression. Thank you

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i never underestimated people who like PvE, i think we should respect both, because the game “has” to balance and please both sides equally. However, this thrall RNG system still doenst make sense to me, i do agree that we should grind to get a perfected figther thrall at some extent but i dont agree a warrior training to get level 20 and earn a dreadfull detrimental stats plus some accuraccy stats. Sorry, my english is terrible, i Hope u can understand.

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