Pet Cat Sounds are ANNOYING

I haven’t heard this flapping noise in the game you guys are talking about, but I have heard my cat make a flapping noise when she would shake her head to get something off her ears. Is that what it’s supposed to be?

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Oh, haha, nah. It’s a private server with family friendly settings. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Ah, my mistake. Must be the cat ears then. :sweat_smile:

Its not the sound itself, but that its louder than other sounds in the game in comparison. I can hear it from full base away when I log on. Devs should make it quieter and also not trigger as often.

Im a cat lover in real life but I just couldn’t keep this in my base.

I wouldnt mind if the cat was totally silent.


This seems to be an issue with a number of sounds coming from followers actually. For example, the “um…” sound from the submissive emote. These emotes and sounds followers make should be set to maybe a couple squares away and no more. The only exception to this that I can see as beneficial is their battle cries when attacking. The reason I say that is because it alerts you to enemies nearby and allows you to react as necessary. Other than that, I shouldn’t be hearing a cat flap it’s ears and purr, or a tcho tcho grunt, or bug buzzing, or a spider making weird movement sounds, or a thrall saying “um,” or… well you get the point. These are good for RP, but their radius should be much lower. It could also help with loading if you’re not having to hear unnecessary sounds.

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Chapter Four:
Age of Cats

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Welcome to the Forum. It’s the Age cats in our family already.

Emote Cone of Silence :no_bell: Get Smart black and white TV series

Word of advice … if you don’t like the cat sounds and door blocking don’t get a real cat :rofl:

… that said, this is probably a love or hate it thing. I love it. But I can understand the annoyance. Don’t have them if they annoy for the short term.

And when the devs get time maybe they can tweak options so it’s quiet for those that want a wandering quiet large “mouse”. If the code is simple sure why not adjust. If it’s difficult then I say there are more pressing issues especially given the fact you aren’t required to have a cat if don’t want it. Just my fair thoughts

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That flapping sound… Took me a while finding out what is that. To me it sounded like some building sound when replacing pieces for another, like something is falling from the roof.

If that should be sound of cat flapping heads, it is even more unfitting, cause that loud and in that flap flap flap character DOGS do it, not cats. :smiley: I had many cats through my life and when they sometimes did it, it was more like very silent “trrrrr”. o.O


Like I said, its not the sound itself but that its volume is off in comparison to other thrall and environment sounds.

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As Taemien mentions, this is actual cat behavior, so I think, intentionally or not, this is fitting, because like a real cat, you literally have to micromanage them to a new spot out of your current path.

Yeah, except irl, I can nudge the cat out of the way or step over it. The cat is practically a wall in the game if too close to the doorway.

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True, but that’s why I said you have to micromanage a cat-- in your case, “nudge” them. Now, sure, their “hit” box should allow you to step over them.

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They should have a nudge option where you push them a bit with your foot and they run away for a little while lol.


That ear flap = woodpecker tap.


I will have to say one of our cats is part Siamese and he will go off talking to himself like that and does the ear flapping thing also :grinning:

Love that this is a common Siamese thing! My grandma had them when I was growing up and I’ve always loved them and how chatty they are. And my own hasn’t disappointed, lol!

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new passive agressive pve meta, place building close to someone you dont like, out 10 cats on guard there


Isn’t the solution simple?
Don’t get a cat