I’ve seen people who do lack the skill to take thralls successfully on their own (even those tribes much easier than the Berserker) are very much able to reliably obtain greater pets.
But for the sake of argument. Nerf the berserker to 10hp and .001 damage modifiers, with minimal or no attribute bonuses if they are ‘too easy’.
Are they in this thread?
Are they in this forum?
Do they even still pay this game?
There is no reliability about obtaining greater pets. It’s RNG. The chances can be nudged a bit with shadebloom and the correct meat. But it’s still a dice roll.
Unless… were they able to easily acquire greater pets because they turned tricks for their private server admin and then had the thing spawned and dropped for them?
Corruption of authority is quite reliable. Not to be confused with corrupting the Authority stat, which is an entirely different thread.
But your “for the sake of argument” idea about nerfing Berzerkers is a perfect sum up of the feces skull filler that blights this game.
Quick, nerf something to absolute uselessness.
No balancing, just a simple binary, is it relevant and useful or is it utterly decorative trash. When in doubt, make it junk.
Which is what happened to pets, nerfed into decorative trash tier
So gratitude for demonstrating the kind of thinking that brought us to this sad juncture.
Well, the bigger problem is that the marked sliders don’t work as you might expect, so you can’t fix animal pets and animals don’t scale correctly with difficulty.
Were you even interested in discussing pet balance to begin with or just lashing out in anger at anything that doesn’t fit an agenda? I pushed aside berserkers since I wanted to focus on pets themselves, since that was only a useless whataboutism that won’t get anyone what they want.
I don’t believe pets are viable, and I don’t believe they -can- be viable when they are literally the easiest thing for the lowest common denominator player to get their hands on. If you want them to be stronger, they have to be harder to get. Otherwise the ones that make the decisions are going to continue to ignore the pleas for pet buffs.
Look at the track record, every patch that has touched pets in ANY manner has nerfed them across the board for the last 2 years.
You pushed aside Berzerkers because this one called you on the fact that there is already a supremely easy access and extremely high end follower that is available to anyone who is able to play the game with basic competence.
Pets are followers, attempting to discuss them in a vacuum, without looking at other followers or what function a follower in the game plays is disingenuous. It is not possible to discuss pet balance without discussing follower balance as a whole.
As far as lashing out and agendas…
Please, try better. This one is ridiculing your argument (or lack thereof) not throwing a tantrum. It’s difficult to read emotion in text only communication, so this one will help.
The emotional state is bemused contempt, somewhere between pity and the predatory joy a stand up comedian feels when they find a boor or loud idiot in their audience.
“literally the easiest thing for the lowest common denominator player to get their hands on”
Come on TaeTae, this isn’t a thread about nerfing the op stone daggers.
But wait!
As far as agendas tho… This one doesn’t have to make up imaginary friends to then weave fake anecdotes about their endless zoo of instant Uber pets but who for some reason isn’t capable of clubbing a basic mook on the noggin. And your “lowest common denominator player” dig… Do you have an agenda?
Was someone killed by someone else’s pretty kitteh and now they host a persistent chip with permanent real estate on their shoulder?
However, this one concedes one thing, the past couple years of pet impacts have been across the board nerfs. This one would have simply resigned themselves to that being part and parcel of this game’s continued and inevitable descent into the anti-fun that is whatever vision of jankery the top thinks we should endure. Right next to the new inventory system…
But the most recent hot fix managed to back pedal on some of the most egregious and unpopular of changes. Almost like the powers that be had a glimmer of the fact that they are making a product for customers, rather than just themselves.
I’m still waiting on the crafting overhaul they promised to put out in Age of Conan some 12 years ago. Clearly the devs giving their word that they are work on and will deliver a specific update are … less than reliable.
Yeah, see this is the issue. Pets SHOULD have superior HP from the beginning and at the end, as well as strength / raw damage. However thralls should have the ability to equip armor (which they do) and weapons (which they do) to make them on par with pets (maybe slightly better given the top tier thralls but not the lower level ones).
What we have are Crocodiles that die in two hits. CROCODILES! You cannot walk around with a croc without it getting utterly destroyed in two hits unless you have it walk so far behind you and leave it on attack nothing and PRAY that nothing gets past you to attack it until it maybe gets up to level 10…but it will still die super fast outside of noob river. This is just… idiotic.
I was talking about a friend, one who provided input on getting feedback that led to changes such as the journey system in the past, one whom I’ve been playing online games with for a period of 2 decades now. I wasn’t taking a dig at anyone in the community with that statement. I use their input to get a perspective whenever I’m giving feedback for betatesting purposes or other general feedback.
I do believe they should be able have sections of the game they can enjoy. But at no point am I going to concede that they should be able to have everything handed to them. So if I have an agenda its that risk vs reward should be held to. If that makes me a bad person, then I’m a bad person.
I’m going to address this again, so that things can be a bit more clear. Specifically in a discussion you and I have already had on this topic:
To which you replied:
Now, my opinion on followers (pets and thralls) has not changed much (if at all) since December of 2022. Some of my ideas might be slightly different as I throw different darts at the board since most can agree anything is better than what we currently have.
I didn’t go into great detail about how hard it would be to obtain different tier followers in that thread. But I have in past threads (and I really really don’t want to dig that far back) to which most agreed. T4 Thrall or Pets should not be as easy to get as T1. I don’t believe anyone is going to say otherwise.
So unless you’ve 180’d since our last discussion on the topic, I don’t believe we need to be in anymore contention towards each other on this topic, or in general.
Buffing pets wont make NOTHING bad to game people Will Just Begin using pets to play and have Fun many people like to play with a Wolf , dog , Tiger , croco , bears , spiders , sandreapers , tchochos , yetis , Giants , and right now the New big Bear pet from event.
So let think now what Will happen If pet become strong and can tank and kill everything in a Full autority build and level 20? Normal people Will enjoy game pets Will Lost the decorative status people Will begin buy the New pets skins from bazar funcom Will get income pets Will have a place in It game and almost everything Will be good.
Theres Just one problem some players cant have Fun and They need be the true gods/Warriors They cant SEE a Thrall/pet in a Full autority build tanking or killing Bosses and content they get ashamed and angry They Will cry in forum for nerfs.
Because It we have decorative pets , all Thralls nerfed and almost decorative too check now bearers getting nerfed the STRONG Warriors/god s are ashamed Just because a little bearers dont have good damage can tank most content.
Funcom need buff pets and Thralls and make autority build the same of strenght and agility build Because right now autority build are Just a babysitter useless build with decorative followers.
Authority builds, I believe, aren’t being considered here. They want non authority followers to kick the same amount of butt as they did prior AND have warrior stats.
Well trained makes pets extremely valuable…I would say more than thralls in many cases.
Oh, we have much to be in contention over in general.
We rarely agree and this one will be gone from this forum before they consider any sort of bonhomme with you. Especially as you decontextualize this one’s own words to twist and misrepresent them.
There are 0 guaranteed spawns for elite pets on the Exiled Lands.
All elite pets are RNG.
There is no way to target a run and say that one is going to acquire a Greater Tiger.
Once can go pick up a cub, spend resources raising it, and then see what it is.
It is RNG gated, unlike the Thugra, Brutes, the Berzerker, ect.
If one could pick up a cub and it was guaranteed to be a a greater tiger Everytime, then you wouldn’t be trying to make orange juice out of this one’s apples. But as matters stand, this is as weak as your imaginary friend who always produces greater pets but can’t figure out a truncheon.
The only thing more clear is that you are deliberately disingenuous.
What makes you a bad person is that, if this person isn’t an imaginary human you just made up for this…
Then you are calling a friend and comrade the lowest common denominator. Assuming this person is fictitious is the most kind thing that can be done for you at this point.
Disagreeing on game design is one thing.
Talking feces on the Internet another.
But trashing on your own friends unironically…
This one does you a service by calling you a liar, for if you speak true that makes you far worse.
Authority builds, I believe, aren’t being considered here. They want non authority followers to kick the same amount of butt as they did prior AND have warrior stats.
Well trained makes pets extremely valuable…I would say more than thralls in many cases.
How is a full authority pet worth more than a full authority thrall? I personally run full authority, and even low level named thralls in T3 gear out perform most greaters. Some may have bad health pools but between having more armor thanks to… armor, and more damage thanks to legendary weapons… It’s the same thing as a non authority build. The question is still “why not take thrall?” My cannibal brute with 500 health at level 1 can kill things 10x faster than a silverback and has far more armor than it does so why wouldn’t I take a thrall?
I like how you copy and pasted about guaranteed spawn points of T4 fighters from the Exiles and Darfari tribes, but left out the fact that there is a guarantee spawn point for Cimerian Berserks.
I mean, I haven’t really been reading the back and forth between the two of you, but that little bit did catch my eye.
Actually, while we are having an Internet slap fights, this one wants your opinion @Taemien.
Because we are not friends and because you are focused on how easy pets are to obtain this one solicits specifically your feedback.
However, this one wants to know what others think as well.
This one would prefer if regular young found in the wild never grow into the greater versions.
Instead this one suggests these three ways to get greater beast followers. This one would note that, for lore reasons, all three should exist simultaneously.
The cub that grows into a greater beast is harvested from the three skull version of that beast. Then it is raised exclusively on the shade spiced food of it’s choice.
A regular youngling can be brought to a master altar of Jhebbal Sag, and then, for the amount of favour needed to summon an avatar, that youngling comes out as the advanced beast, the primal form of it’s kind.
A regular hatchling is brought to the sorcery table, and then unnatural things are done to it with a large amount of fragments of power, powder of corruption, and sacrificial blood and jarred souls, which then warps it into the greater (often demonic looking) version of it’s kind.
Mind you, this would be for greater pets that are worth a cluck, not the toothless and shortlived things we have now.
@Oduda the conversation had been about ease of certain thralls to gain.
This one had noted the lowest hanging fruit, not only guaranteed spawns, but the easiest of them. Thus the low tier thralls. The entire thread had decent points, but this one in that conversation was noting that Named Volcano resident should be tougher than a Cannibal brute.
The omission in that case was deliberate on this one’s part. Relic Hunters and Berzerkers are in harder areas and this one is ok with them being better, in general, than Cannibals and Pirates (Exiled Lands only). Mind you, this one thinks Volcano named thralls should be the top tier, but that discussion is going far afield from the topic.
The operative part of this one’s current argument is guaranteed vs RNG.
Whereas the previous topic had been ease of acquisition vs power level.
Of course, there have been numerous updates since then, rendering everything except the Cimmerian Berzerker less than appealing. Altho Cannibal brutes had a moment in the sun.
The animals continue to get the bumps to all stats. A greater sabre gets +200% damage right out of the gate with well trained, armor goes up 320 points, HP over 2000. These are nothing to scoff at. Sure they are comparable to a berserker but as pointed out earlier… berserkers are the Marsha Brady of Conan.
It was an omission of brevity rather than any sort of agenda. I haven’t really used Cimmerian Berserkers in quite some time. If they are snagged by the risk versus reward pass that I’d like to see, I would not mind it in the slightest.
If there is an actual sincere desire of people to discuss them in particular, then no I don’t believe they should be as easy to get or should have attributes that match their ease to get.
However one thing I am against is the idea that RNG makes something more challenging to get. Time consuming, yes. But not challenging. For example in many MMORPGs you will see a quest to kill X amount of things. Well… a quest to kill 5 things is no easier than 10 of the same thing. It just takes half the time.
RNG to make something take more time and thus be more powerful is lazy development in my opinion.
Is what I said that was agreed with before. And my opinion hasn’t changed.
It was an omission of brevity rather than any sort of agenda. I haven’t really used Cimmerian Berserkers in quite some time. If they are snagged by the risk versus reward pass that I’d like to see, I would not mind it in the slightest.
I have to say, omitting that the end all thrall has a guaranteed spawn definitely does not seem like it was for the sake of brevity. The guaranteed zerker spawn hurts your argument about pets being easy to get vs thralls being harder/more effort. when I can go knock a zerker out in T1/2 gear and have the best possible follower in the game.
Having the best pet or thrall would depend on the player themselves raising and training them. Not RNG or Location. Player effort and skill over RNG and happenstance.
This however, I agree with. I think BOTH systems need a revamp and should be more involved to make the best followers possible, but in the interim there’s zero harm in keeping pets and thralls in line with each other.