Plase make Eldarium available in the Exiled Lands!

Ummm, I think you can get Eldarium in EL. It comes from armor scraps IIRC.

Heh, @Katniss beat me to it. :slight_smile:

Theres two different types of “scraps” 1 is the Armour scraps you mentioned which comes from the Warmaker dungeon the other is simply called “scraps” which as far as I know is a siptah only item.

Funcom could add the “scraps” to unnamed city bosses drop table while also adding Siptah recipe scrolls as a 100% chance to drop since there is so many of them.


Ah, I see. I didn’t really pay that close attention. I was in an EL clan and they were manufacturing Eldarium from some kind of scraps - which I thought was without server transfers involved. When I asked how they were doing it they said “just put the scraps in the furnace”.

On the topic of FC adding Eldarium to EL in a bigger way - just a recipe would do it - which I thought already existed. That way they wouldn’t need to change any existing stuff. Maybe something like: 1 fragment of power, 10 salt, and 1 armor scraps = 5 eldarium

A fair question, but two wrongs don’t make a right :rofl:

@Ezekhiel agreed. They could add the decayed El Darius bits as random drops for things like children of jhil, serpent men, demon bats, and possibly even the jhebal boss and maybe the imp king? Really anything that has lore based ties to the elder races. Demon spider boss, sunken city creatures, etc.


Yeah I agree. Keep the two worlds separate. That way there are unique qualities to both. Merging will remove the value in that uniqueness.


@Ragnaguard 2h sword of the legion on siptah can get up to sword of crom damage

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Siptah gear is still far superior but they did make it a little easier to compete.


I will say verminhide finally got a decent buff

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Didn’t say they weren’t the top. Grey ones weapons all are awesome but they aren’t “over the top”…meaning they may have more advantage but these advantages wouldn’t be considered pay 2 win anymore, imho. It’s just a mild advantage over the EL stuff but skill could easily still win the day against them. You couldn’t do that with two items alone providing 17 points of strength. You were at a significant disadvantage if your opponent had Siptah gear. Now? not so much.


Don’t they still use double the Stam as a normal weapon?

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Also, Jailor’s Key in another event in Exile Lands. Where are the cages then?

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Yeah but I never had an issue with stamina maintenance (non-corrupted that is) so that negative isn’t as hard for me since I avoid the heavy hitting weapons.

K so everyone agrees that separation between EL and IoS is a good thing…but… due to past transfers, EL is saturated with IoS content. Furthermore IoS schematics have become prize drops for EL events but without the IoS exclusive materials for the crafting these schematics are basically poop, literally a stack of putrid meat would be more useful than that Siptah schematic you just got.

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If it is I doubt you see many people using it. Once it’s lost there’s no getting it back

I don’t. There are lots of stuff I love from Siptah that is just the bomb in EL and since the revision, its no longer a P2W type of thing. Vagabond Armor alone is a very welcome addition to farming power fragments.

I think the events on both maps should be a method to share access to specific items. I don’t like the idea that Siptah gets one way access to EL stuff and EL just has to sit there because someone has their panties in a knot over old data of OP nature of Siptah gear.

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@erjoh I understand that and I would feel the same way but I personally do not have access to Siptah content for any of my EL chars. I have like 1 set of Corsair armor on an account I don’t even play on anymore. I had more but lost most of it during some random 1v3 pvp encounters. Since transfers has been disabled, can’t get anymore Siptah stuff in EL. When I say separation I merely meant it’s kinda to get away from the light armor Feroxic dagger spamming meta and get back to a heavy armor old school weps vanilla meta. Don’t get me wrong if I had access to IoS stuff I would totally use it coz it’s still op compared to the vanilla stuff and it is a min/max game after all.

@Boobie i assure you it still gets used. Some people are conservative, some people have the strength of numbers on their side and really aren’t worried about. And other people are just sitting on bv’s full of the stuff loving that “I’m so rich” and op feeling

Ive seen a lot less dagger spam going on especially now that poison was nerfed. Heavy armor is not not the move and won’t be regardless of siptah

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@Boobie believe me, I know. Less variety. I personally don’t care for metas. I feel metas are more single player type games like old Metroid or Contra for example where the game has levels and by the last level you better have all the best gear coz you’re fighting the hardest enemies and boss coz it’s the last level. I just don’t feel like that’s the best way for Conan pvp. I loved when they gave us the running dash attacks, not bc they’re op or super strong but just bc it gave you more options and variety in available moves. But of course they had to nerf weapons and make some weapons new metas and old meta weps now nigh un useable.

The armor pen on Yog’s Touch needed a nerf for sure, I personally think they nerfed it too much but totally my opinion.

Thralls have already been nerfed badly twice prior to 3.0. Now I don’t even bother with thralls anymore. I used to have a kill box in my base at Dagons Embrace with 40 leveled Berzerkers all kitted in the best gear with the best weapons. That base could stand alone for 1-2 hours easily during a raid without me even being there or knowing I was being raided. I spent a lot of time leveling those thralls, did a lot grinding to gear them and not to mention some extra work just to get them all to fit in that small space but I did it and now any raiders could easily just mow right through that kill box in like 30 minutes tops.

These changing of the metas and constant nerfing is just game killing to me, to the point where I actually just don’t even want to play anymore. Literally been watching reruns on Netflix during raid hours. Srsly? For like a year straight I couldn’t put this game down, would play sick sometimes just to take a day off during the week and sit home and play Conan all day, would stay up all weekend 48+hours straight just to get the most out of my free time, would also buy everything FC put out just to have it.

Now I’m asking myself every night “why am I still playing this game?” :man_shrugging: