I have been playing in different official servers and in all of them there is the same problem players or clans that fill areas of foundations, safes, temples, etc. breaking the respaunw of resources, bosses, etc. And of course without leaving room for new players there would be ¿no way to avoid this?
When I say areas I say large areas. in 1031 a single clan has claimed the invoking area where the giant spider appeared
3828 pvec on ps4 has the same problem with a clan called Masons of Crom…they built roads over the entire map connecting all of their bases and nobody can destroy them. They also never get on during pvp time. The whole server is sick of it, but nothing we can do. I wish Funcom was more involved in that kind of thing.
3828 has always had this clan called Masons of Crom. They since the beginning have built massive bases in every corner of the map. They have built “roads” that connect all of their bases and all of the obelisks…it lags the server to the point that we constantly crash and our server very frequently does not show. They claim they have no plans to stop. People express their displeasure but they dont care…no body can build anywhere and good clans are leaving the server bc of it. And noobs have nowhere to start their journey. Like I said. I wish Funcom could regulate this excessive behavior
Can you summon avatar to destroy them buildings at all? Not sure how that works. Honestly, if it were me I’d leave everything behind and start on new server even if I invested 10,000 hours on the server.
I was on 3828 very recently and noticed the lag. It’s good to get confirmation that the perma-lag is from overbuilding. I’ve run into that on other servers but wasn’t sure of the cause.
I doubt there’s anything that can be done about it other than finding a new server.
While a task such as this the Masons took is commendable in its colossal effort, it does bring a question of joy to the table. Whose joy should be neglected and whose not. Is it okay if one clan devours the whole playfield.
I hope devs will share their philosophy to the matter.
The Masons are clearly acting like d**** on the server. They are making a nuisance of themselves by building like that, and negatively affecting the entire server in the process.
My opinion, we need the GM/DM to spawn an avatar, and possibly take control of it, I’m not sure how that works in Conan, but you can do it in Neverwinter Nights or WoW.
And just wreck the living hell out of every piece of property the Masons own. And tell them, this is your first and only warning.
Im not going anywhere. I was here before this new clan leader who started these roads even got on. This is my server and i tried talking to him first. Now im bringing awareness to Funcom of clans who do this on official servers.
No one is trying to flush you out. It’s okay to stay there if you want to.
This isn’t a merit weighing much to some individuals. A bit rough example came to mind, but if someone raises an army quicker than you, are you merely content to taunting them or do you rather pick up the pace? Of course there needs to be some limits to share the sandbox, but saying that someone shouldn’t be able to do their thing because you were there first - it doesn’t necessarily end up well, especially if they are more dominantly efficient in the ways they utilise the environment.
You talk about your private server? If true, then you do you and specify the rules. Kick them out if you have to. If not, speak to the admin and ask them to weigh their philosophy to the matter.
Good. It doesn’t hurt to be a bit diplomatic. You brought your concerns to the leader and failed, but at least you got the chance. Many of us are not that fortunate.
This is good as well. I hope you get answers as soon as possible.
Funcom as always in absolute silence. Yesterday my server fell and after an hour it returned to appear in the list, with a ping of 140 and going up. Today, with only 8 players, the ping does not drop below 100. During the game there is a lot of lag and the fault is the excess of structures, vault, temples, etc. that unscrupulous players dedicate themselves to putting only to annoy because they do not use them. I have tried to talk to them and their response: it is that the Chinese are worse. I do not care about the nationality of the players. There are always players who are dedicated to annoy and spoil games and use traps. The worst thing is that Funcom does not provide means to complain that the only thing it has is the exploit hunters but that it does not help against the current situation.
Had not it been announced that he was going to limit the vault number? These servers are screaming for a GM and if Funcom is not interested in having official servers that say so. Abarate costs of renting it for private use. Many players are fed up with the lack of funcom communication and its lack of action by funcom.
If it’s your server, why don’t you simply go in and destroy the offending structures/temples and the like. Surely there are admin powers to do this sort of thing. Even on a PVE server.
Lay out some rules, and when people break them, punish the hell out of them for it.
Humanity only learns from lessons of brutality. If you want a decent player base, you have to be brutal with the trolls and disruptive players.
Can you bring a boss over get him to try and attack you near one of the foundations if it destroys a few of the it it separate the decay system to 2 structures instead of one if this works and he loses one part you can then block him with foundations so he won’t do it again
On PvE, only creatures spawned by the Purge can damage player-built structures. Kiting a normal world boss would do nothing except perhaps kill some of the pets and thralls.