Playing S&P E17 and OD33 alone in full tank gear

The presented fitting
is no better than a well-tuned survival DPS set, but plays like a survival tank and still does 20-30k dps. And you can play S&P and DA well if you don’t have a good DPS fit and have a full tank gear.

II like playing tank because I don’t want to go out of AOEs or avoid damage when I can tank him. As a DPS I feel like a rabbit in the scenario who constantly has to run away from all damage :wink: Its not my playing style.

It is actually necessary to take damage as constantly as possible. Move as little as possible, let everyone hit you and don’t get out of AOEs, except for one hits. :slight_smile:

What you need:
3 evasion and 3 defense glyphs: red 20, 4 stars
Agents: L50, Christina Del Rio and Jayesh Suresh
is it possible with less, i have only … NO!
You need evasion and defense on max Value. The damage decreases excessively

What else:
Primary: A Chaos Fokus, i use a Dark Mysteries of Alacrity Mk IV, but any other should work

Secondary: a Pistol, i use a Calamitous Inspiration of Havoc Mk IV, but any other should work. A Blade should also work. You need cleanse an self heal skills.
The weapons with passives are imo the best for the deck. The weapon effect doesn’t matter.
3. Agent: for Chaos Ann Thophora or for Hammer Queen Ranavanlona IV

Singent Nemain does not increase damage but increases maximum targets from 6 to 9.

All my information is based on my 6 Tank Talismans, 1 Talisman with critical value and 1 Weapon with hit glyph. Because I don’t want to re-socket anything. With others you can certainly achieve small optimizations.

The whole thing should then look something like this.
IP: 1752
HP: 8727 (Anima 100% DPS, not 90% not 95%, you need 100% dps)
Glance Red.: 39,9% (one Red 20 4Star, works fine in E17/OD33)
Crit / Power: 13,9% / 66%
Glance: 45,6% (3 max. Glyphs + Agent)
Evade: 34,4% (3 max. Glyphs + Agent)

And where does the damage come from?
its only one Skill: Twist Fade + passive

PS: You can use Instead a Hammer with Blazing Fury. Works the same damage. But Blazing Fury have a other, slower, CD Reduktion.

In this configuration Twist Fade does over 16k damage/s over 12s. So with the crit values ​​stable 250,000 damage (~20kDPS) in Total on up to 6 or 9 targets.
He has a base down of 30s, but each Evade reduces the CD by 10s. If you dodge twice in 12s you can keep the DOT running permanently.

This means you have 11 seconds to do other things. Use power and elite abilities, heal yourself and just watch the monster HPs drop.
But most of all!!! to let yourself be hit. You need 2 dodges in 11 seconds. :grin:
Despite only having 8700-10000hp, you take very little damage, since you have maximum stats in dodge and defense.

So don’t avoid any hit you can get. Be a tank :slight_smile:

Chaos Skills:
Evulsion for Interrupt and Pull
Distortion fpr more HP
Twist Fade - you primary Damageskill

Mass Evulsion
Veil of Deformity
Resonance Cascade
Multid. Threads
Probability Protection

Pistol Skills:
Trick Shot + passiv from Weapon for Damage/Expose
Clean Slate without passiv, for Cleans/Heal

Effigy O33 Reconstructor for Self-Heal

I have testet:
DA E10 - E14, slower than the DPS but significantly more survivable, easy lazy Mode.
Solo S&P E17 and OD33 - For me it’s funny gameplay that works surprisingly well.
In a E8 Dungeon / MB, i do 15-25k DPS in Tank Gear :slight_smile:


It works surprisingly well.
If you take damage yourself and there are often several enemies around.

  • OD and S&P.

It works moderately well if you don’t get hit enough to dodge. Then Twist Fade has 30s CD and the damage drops.

  • DA and slow hitting Bosses

It doesn’t work at all if you don’t get dodge and defense to maximum values.

I am not allowed to post pictures, sorry for so here is only text:
Have Fun

You can do it with a single tanking weapon in offhand, signature ability and literally anything else.

A bit of self heal helps, but not even particularly necessary. Given that over half of your damage is dot from signature anyway as long as you have a tanking weapon you’re fine.

I’m not sure why you have crit there, if you dont have 2 acc you will glance in e17 and lose dps so you should have 2/3/3, not 1/1/3/3.

Don’t need any of the additional hp buffs either, I’d rather have breakdown for more damage over distortion. Clean slate with passive heals for way more and in both SP and DA you will have ample opportunities to increase healing by cleansing a debuff.

For agents you want 3 agents that give you evade / defence rating since that’s what scales your DoT on signature. Suresh, Rio and The Duo are best options, I believe.

Here are the builds I use

Shotgun / Pistols
This one I’ve done all DA achivements with on e17

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These ones are just for SPs/Faction missions

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