Please add cloud saves for game DBs

This is coming straight from a Steam thread on behalf of a distraught player.

I am also a PS4 player and take for granted that I can play my game on any PS4 anywhere because I have a Plus Account with Cloud Saves. I do recognize this is a premium service, therefore I think it might actually suit the Company to add this to their Launcher system.

A small subscription fee that encourages and coordinates player interaction with the Launcher itself is a positive channel for a luxury service: even if my laptop is stolen I can still play CE tonight on a borrowed PC. I won’t get into the gory details of the positivity this small change would imbue on the Launcher.

Regardless of how it’s implemented, this morning I emulated pull saves on Azure, Google Cloud and even a game server with cloud software → all are supremely easy to coordinate, and are free. Even if it is not fungible, this element will build customer retention and satisfaction, especially among students, mobile users and people who play at game cafés, or use shared environments.

Humbly submitted to Crom himself.


Honestly, I’m kinda surprised cloud saves weren’t a thing since the beginning.

Even SSD hard drives aren’t eternal, and an exploding PC may cause hundreds or even thousands of hours of progress lost. I regularly backup my game.db, but I’d sleep my nights more easily if the progress was stored in the infinite expanses of time and space.


How much are you willing to pay for this? If its in the $8-12 range, then you could in theory get a private server for the minimum player limit size and use it as you would singleplayer, you just password it.

This is how I played originally before I actually began to play with other non-friends. I had a dedicated server I played by myself on. Occasionally my friends would play on it and they could drop in and drop out at any time, even if I wasn’t around, and they wouldn’t be tethered by co-op.


I am relative new on PC playing. I do not know, if steam handles this different then MS Store.
Since beginning I played on XBox, meantime I changed the console 3 times. So I am used to the cloud saving. Whenever I changed the console, my save games were with me that way.

When CE came to Game Pass, I was wondering why my savegames did not come with me. Meanwhile it could cause problems, as the same account has different local games on PC/XBox.

But in general, yes that could be a solution. I think, cloud services are more a matter of the platform provider then Funcom.

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Admittedly I’m not very clear on the rules of cloud saves etc - but don’t pcs generally get a certain amount of free cloud storage these days? (Bundled in with windows maybe? Or just from having a gmail account?) - I know I’ve spent several years largely ignoring occasional pop-ups from my machine telling me I can back things up to some kind of cloud storage (knuckle-dragging luddite here - if I lose things I lose things :man_shrugging: ). Wouldn’t it be possible for people to back-up databases to something like that (or to google drive?)? I’m sure an integrated system would be smoother (and probably have other advantages), but if this could work it might at least serve as a ‘workaround’ in the meantime for those worried by this possibility?

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I don’t see why not. Just setup your \steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved Folder to be cloudsaved. Though I have no clue what that would do to game performance. The other thing you all could do is just back up the files yourself if on PC. That folder above is the save folder.

game.db is your lasted Exiled Lands save.
DLC_Siptah.db is your last Siptah save.

And if you’re using custom maps, then you’ll need to see the author about what they name it. But it will usually be named after the map such as Savage Wilds being: savagewilds_game.db

Also if you all do use my method of getting a dedicated server for cheap, just use a FTP program to drop those files into the same folder on the server. Then start the server and you can play your singleplayer save on a server.

This assumes PC of course, I dunno how to deal with that on console. I’m sure someone on here knows how to access files like that.


Well you see, I’m a feeling barbarian, and I don’t like it when people are presented unnecessary obstacles. I put myself into the position of the person who lost her DB, or access to the PC and it made me come right here to ask for a solution from Funcom.

Personally, I don’t need this, but I can think of a disaster scenario where having it could allow me to play fairly instantaneously if needed. I’m a Marketing person and and Executive but I don’t do these things for Funcom; presumably in this industry service add-ons pay 5X their dollar value over time, diminishing annually. Effectively, if a customer will pay $5 to the Launcher, they may consider a game or offering from said Launcher, to the tune of $25 of additional capital for Funcom. Within conditions.

I would push for $4.99 annually, half off for the first year, but time is running out, etc. :clock1030:

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