Please dont destroy the unique game loop of Isle of Siptah

I have read somewhere that there will be level 4 thrall in the new camps after the big update. Imho its a terrible change. The uniqness of Isle of Siptah is the game loop of fighting in mealstroms to trigger leyshrine surges to get level 4 thralls and items for delving + dungeons for eldarium for delving.

If you put level 4 thralls in the camps, there will be near 0 incentive to trigger leyshrine surges, so no incentive to do the maelstroms, so it would imho hurt the core of the gameplay. Note that I comment from a PVE private server perspective. If it makes sense for pvp or public servers, a checkbox that would prevent level 4 thralls from spawning in the camps would be really appreciated

I might add that a similar thing made us stop playing the base game long ago, the mechanics just werent balanced, you had no incentive to do stuff and there was no challenge.
Imho the problem of Siptah isnt the core loop idea, imho its good, the problem is bug fixing, fine tuning.

Most of the new features i heard about from the upcoming patch sounds great, but plz dont destroy the unique core game loop


I hate to tell you this, but itā€™s too late. The patch on testlive right now does exactly this. Itā€™ll release to pc in a couple of weeks, apparently. I played it for a couple of weeks and myv experience was that it made the siptah experience more engaging.


Well, the T4 thralls in the camps donā€™t spawn with the same regular intensity that the new surges do. If you want ā€˜concentratedā€™ T4 thrall drops, the surges at the leyshrines will be the most efficient. But to do that, you have to collect some materials first (so thereā€™s more work involved for greater reward).

However, if you just to grab a T4 thrall (or two in a larger camp) in a passable clearing of a camp, then you still have the option to not do the leyshrines. The pickings arenā€™t as good, but its less labor intensive. So the camps are more engaging, but not as rewarding as the leyshrine surge method.

To me, this seems like a reasonable balance.


Well glad to hear its more engaging , hopefully i will find it too.

Maybeā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ I guess we can try among ourselves also to agree not to take level 4th tralls from campsā€¦

Imho its just a weakness of Funcom handling of Conan Exiles: the sandbox is great, but the mechanics just dont mesh together, there is not enough incentive/rewards to do stuff. Also its hard and not immersive to find a difficulty level with the sliders that would be challenging but not crazy, and in the end it seems most poeple role play or treat the game as a building simulator (which isnt bad , but imho is so much wasted potential)

Maybe I am just old and set in my ways, but I really enjoy raiding camps for my thralls. I have yet to try a leyshrine.

I like the maelstome elder spawns for the huge challenge of being attacked by mini boss strength creatures is a massive rush. Each one I have barely survived and if I let it go longer, Iā€™d surely be doomed. Closest to this adrenelane rush in EL version was taking on Vathis (sp?) and all those cultists at once for the first time.

Vaults are excellent dungeon adventures. Not too challenging with a well trained thrall (so far), but I love the comforting pattern to completing them with a nice rewards treat at the end.

Having the delving bench to produce even more unique armor and weapons is a real treat too. Iā€™m a collector of pretty things, so Ill be sure to burn thousands of Eld bars to complete all the possible combinations.

One of these days I will get around to the leyshrines, but it just sounds a little too easy to just auto spawn a bunch of T4s and Id prefer the challenge of raiding the NPC camps. They are by far more interesting than a big triangle structure. Some of the new NPC camps are really beautifully done.

Some of the camps have hidden rewards to discover! I hope they add more, to be honest.

As always, anyone can fully choose what game content to enjoy or ignore. To gain a T4, you can now do raids, purges or Leyshrines. Multiple choice is a gift from Funcom, not a curse.

I started a thread a few days ago, complaining that the new master craft stations were too big and a bit pointless to invest in, but quickly realized that was just my personal view and in fact, many players really like the new options. So the bottom line here is make a choice on what content options fit your play style the best.


As long as all ways have the balance of challenge to reward.

Also you say :

But apart from the challenge, why do you do them if you dont need the unstable stuff to trigger surges at leyshrines?

From what Iā€™ve read about the TestLive build, the unstable (???) essence is used in convergence traps to summon purges.

Bright days ahead!
Bright days ahead!

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Thats a nice addition, for poeple how prefer purges over leyshrines. It still begs the question why bother with maelstrom and purges/leyshrines if you got level 4 thralls in camps waiting. Ofc if they make the camps as challenging and hard as mealstrom combined with purge/leyshrine its fine, but i doubt about that.

Seems a bit random, but I like your optimistic attitude:)

Can we all just pause to appreciate how refreshing it is to read this? Someone posts something on the forums, people disagree, so rather than digging in and insisting everyone else is wrong the thread OP just realizes maybe he was using a narrow perspective? Hats off to you, dude, in complete seriousness.


those of you who have tried the live test. The t4 that appear in the camps are as strong as those of the altars of law? and those of the purge? I understand that the most difficult are those of the altar of law since you have to farm to invoke them, so they should be the strongest, right?

I played for about two weeks and only came across T4 crafters. I did see one T4 dancer on my first or second day but I had to kill it.

So far, I have only found one T4 in a camp and it is a specific fighter that is always spawned in the same location. I have a small army of them. It is the Cimmerian Beserker with a makeover.

The only purge fighters Iā€™ve found were a bit weaker. I still need to do the Leyshrine summons to test it. Not that excited about that part of the game, being able to just summon them like that, but will give it a test in the next couple of days.

so far my best purge fighters are Stygians and they arenā€™t top for sure. About 3500. Camp beserkers are about 1k more.

Edit. I need to build more bases, because I am not getting a great sampling of the different purges out there. One base always gets the Stygians. 2 named archers, 2 named fighters and an alchy. Hoping I can pull something new from them, but that is all I am getting so far from the purges. That one is on the far East of the Redwoods.

My main camp gets birds or some T1 relic hunters, with one lucky alchy that showed up so far. THat one is between the Tower and Mastadon grave yard. Iā€™d really hoped for good purges there, but sadly no.

3rd base is also in redwoods by some waterfalls, very close to the big undead city. No purges there yet.

oh wow, that is a huge bump up

purge thralls been nurfed long time ago , the fighters from them are junkā€¦

Named Fighters have more HP, but a melee multiplier of around 1.3 instead of 1.56. They still do respectable damage though.

if you started recently and play on testlive , i could understand since you have camps that you wouldnā€™t be thrilled by the surge ā€œsummonā€ mechanic , but to grasp it fully , you should understand the hassle of farming ??? - normal ( at least 500 ) or greater ( 20 ) , to summon a T4 surge , then you need decayed eldarium to knock out the T4 with the zapping machine ( while there are T4 , there are also 1 skull npcs that hit pretty hard ) so itā€™s not just a knock everyone fiesta , T4 only has a chance of spawning so you must do several to get the ones you need , like the purge it has 5 waves , with a potential boss ( 3 skull npc ) spawn . and since there is 3 platforms on a leyshrine if you are solo , it will be a real chalenge to finish it before the next storm ( even more if you used normal ??? that takes a while to transfrom into 1000 chaos ā€¦ )

wellā€¦ wow. Ok, sounds like Purges and camps are my ticket then. Iā€™ve actually discovered a named blacksmith camp and at some point, picked up an armorer in a purge. My final goal is a carpenter and Iā€™ll have the crafts I really need.

Thank you for the great run down on Surge challenge.

well at least when you will want something more challenging ( the time will come , if you persist :wink: ) you know what you can do :stuck_out_tongue:

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