Please fix your bugs

Game mode: [Online ]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance ]
Region: [EU]

Hi guys and devs of funcom. For days we straggling with your bugs. I made this post just to inform you.

  1. elevator is so broken. You press it and is not going down. When you are going down sometimes it shows that youbare at bottom and after is showing you flying and dying of course. ( Happened at pvp when we was trying to defend our base.

  2. invertory bug. Is not showing things at your invertory you can’t throw or pick up things just you have to leave the server

  3. Spikes. Please put a number of spikes that every clan can use its so annoying the lag that spikes creates.

  4. thralls. We was at pvp after the raid time and the opponent ordered the thrall to fight us and the Thrall actually did it and it was 1 hour after raid time

  5. blue screen. It happens to all ps4 players i am sure. Please fix them. When you fight and you have a blue screen makes me to delete the game.

Please consider to fix them please

Hello @Greeknax13, we are aware of the issues brought up here and they are being looked into, in the future please follow our guidelines on how to post in this section and only open one post per issue providing that there is no active post for that issue open, and share as much detail as possible: