It’s honestly so dead on servers on PlayStation only 2-3 max have good pop and fighting same people boring we need pop make it free for PS4 plus members again or something fr
i suggest joining official 3878
I see about 5 people online during prime time. It goes up over 10 at times. And then, raid happens.
“good pop” ?
Nah 20+ is good we need more layers tired of fighting same clans
i took a rest for a few month, a few days ago i came back, just to see many of the bugs still exist. they need to fix stuff if they want that players come back and stay
char xfers, when it works, should help move clans around to different servers
Yeah but the game is in a real good place as long as they focus on bugs, performance and maybe resetting all servers and unbanning all players have a fresh start should really bring the player base back up. How many unjustified bans and people quitting because of it , their mains getting banned for nothing . And then never permaban maybe just long 1 month every time after third strike. You should never be permanently banned in a game you paid for like seriously it’a not call of duty not many people playing it lol . They need the pop and people will learn eventually after getting banned every month. While they fix their game.
They should really cut a lot of the servers too and make different official servers like small tribes 5 people max in tribes would be good. Maybe higher 50 in a server. The maps are huge. Re working both maps certain areas that are kinda just there would help too. Bringing savage lands making it an official map to consoles as well would be dope. They gotta maybe make it cross platform for consoles only maybe
No…not just no but he’ll no. I’ve played too many cross games and I know exactly who is m&k and who is controller… especially when range combat comes into play. Cross play is something I definitely stand against
As I understand, most people tend to eventually get bored of PvP. PvE is usually pretty decent pop since the mergers last year. That being said, it’s likely got less to do with the amount of people playing and more to do with the fact that far fewer people prefer pvp.
When I tried Ark for a week, I noticed other players asking if “pvp is okay”! Yes… you bring your caravan (like nomads), ask others nearby if it is okay to pvp, and when you get some kind of affirmative response, pounce!
I concluded that Ark is for kids.
Here, we have adult themes (content) and adult, barbaric conduct.
We also have three server types divided among the platforms. By a quick look, it seems pvec and pve servers are having the bigger pop. Why? Does this mean pvp has less than 1/3rd of active users? If that is true, then the poll outcome is already known (if one was made). You know 2/3rd of the pop are not that into pvp.
Boredom… just a matter of time (and wealth).
I think he is referring to consoles only. It would be beneficial if Xbox and ps could play together.
I think you are mistaken. If we are talking about getting bored I don’t see how pvp is more boring than pve. I think the word you are looking for is fed up. Cheats, exploits are usually what turns people away from pvp not being bored.
What’s decent pop for pve? Because I’ve looked a few times and the busiest server was 15 ± which is not a very lively world.
Again I have not seen this but maybe I’m missing something. Every time I log into a pve/pvec server I’m blown away by the sheer amount of alters on the map… I think most of you don’t realize the amount of player lost with the tos. You want to see the real tos breakers then log onto almost any of those servers. Consider yourself lucky funcom doesn’t go server to server checking bases because those game modes would be completely dead.
Modded servers is a different story.
Nah, player loss happens when wiped or hurting, especially if the victim is newer then the 4k hours spent inside CE. Hmm?
When players get banned, and they come back after suspension, if they come back, they are left with a decayed base and wondering if it will derez upon entering proximity.
That’s y I said consoles only pC has mods too we don’t so it wouldn’t make sense but consoles for sure
Exactly it takes time to learn how to play and the rules imagine being new and getting banned lol
Not on console pve pvec has zero pop you’ll be lucky to even find 1 server that has good pop
I suppose I’m comparing it to pre-merger. Also, PlayStation can’t handle anything higher than 15 or so anyway. Larger population means slower load times and heavier lag. That being said, it certainly has adversely affected the PvP for PS players. I think cheaters and poor performance has caused a lot of PvP players to choose to stop playing, or go to PvE. I know I see larger populations on PvE. Whether that’s busy enough for other players, that’s up to the individual playing. I’m actually quite content with the population as it currently stands… for PvE anyway. I don’t play pvp, so I can’t really speak to that.
It can handle 15+ lmao maybe not ps4 but right now PS5 runs great since latest update. I have no idea what you talking about.
I swear I’m going to show you at raid time pvp servers comeparwd to pve or pve c because there is proorbably 1 server that has 15+ on each and then it’s 4 or lower on each server compared to pvp. pvp has always 4 full servers and then like 5 15+ before it goes down hill