We need more PVP servers for American region 16 all full to the max!. You need at least 20 ! You got to remember how many people downloaded the game when it was free and tried it out throughout the years and quit over 1 shot everything and have came back to try it out and you guys should make it free for PS PLUS members since you got Xbox and PC members have a game pass you have to make it fair. And we need some rendering problems fixed a lot of invisible fighting between players in certain areas with bug group fights. The game is super fun right now glad thralls and horses and sabres don’t want shot you
Agreed just counted the Exiled lands official American servers and they have 179 or so on the PvP clusters probably skipped one or two, but to only have 16 for your new expansion?? Are you all cracked?
They need more servers on all game modes i mean what company says hey this is are biggest dlc ever and also puts the base game on gamepass but doesn’t have enough servers it’s funcom yes it’s so much fun not being able to get in the server you play on think I’m just gonna be done until people stop playing to me private servers are not a option to many toxic owners and trolls pointless so yeah it’s bad on the Xbox to guys not enough servers
Yeah I’m liking all the major fixes still kinda buggy but so far it’s good they just have to maintain population and look for different ways to increase it by any means necessary. This game can be the best survival game IMO they just need more pop and keep updating faster not wait long periods of times (console perspective)
More Server for American? Sorry i must laugh. More servers for all is the better way. The are only 16 Servers for the USA and 15 Servers for the EU. Thats a Joke @Funcom!!! My Facebook Group for Conan got more Member than you give us Server😂 Funcom you got a Mighty Problem to understand and to realize what the ppl want. Shame on you Funcom
Yeah every region needs a pop increase on console I know Xbox has better odds since it’s on their game pass now but hopefully they do something similar with PlayStation the siptah pvp servers are dying down, people are getting wiped and what not I’m assuming . They really gotta focus because I even bought a siptah server incase lots of people join but no luck . There’s so many private servers empty I thought conan will do more to help populated them
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