I know that you can rent servers from G-Portal, but I’m pretty sure, that a lot of people would rather like to run their own servers. Missing crossplay can’t be the reason, why this is not possible for Xbox, since G-Portal servers must be also running on a different OS.
I agree. But, ask Microsoft (or Sony for the PS) since they are in control and it’s a way to lock the platforms, they want to charge for online multiplayer after all.
Also, they might think (possibly) that access to the server files might allow some to bypass all of the paid services.
Sony stated that they won’t allow due to proprietary information that they don’t want the public to have access to basically what @h3rb1 is speaking of it could give console players ability to do things they are considered about Microsoft probably the same. They want to be sure we need them and get our money. It would not be up to Funcom
Well, they also would have gotten more money doing the same for pc.
Pc is open source or something like that they give pc players every thing that is needed to make mods and such @Multigun could probably explain.
Actually hope I’m wrong would be cool not having to rent my server just host.
There is a dedicated server app for the PC client you can use, yes. It’s been a thing for years, download is on this very forum.
It’s not compatible with Xbox though. Guessing there is some sort of console limitation or challenge involved with that.
Bit of both and the console systems are required to have approved from their company to allow tampering but if you tamper with it this way any and all support cannot be given until you get a new untampered system. Basically you do it you on your own as their tos do not allow you to do that. But the hard ware for instance I put a usb fan to cool pc and it works but if you use it on Xbox it will over heat and most definitely catch fire I learned that the hard way but a pc allow access via cord and power out put could be to much and have massive amounts of heat put on your console so I heavily advise not doing so— nor put a fan on your Xbox that’s plugged into it or all hell will break lose. About irony this will cool it andhdfhvdf oh that not cool
They could “simple” make a version of the server app, that runs on consoles only and is downloadable via xbox-shop… so it could be stay as closed systems. I’d rather set up an extra console as server then to rent a server…
I’ve read somewhere that you better run your own server on a distonct PC than the one you play with. Or you need a PC with the best spec available if you wan to both run the server and play on the same one.
One of the reason invoked for not porting the app for consoles was neither the Xbox one nor the PS4 were powerful enough to run it. Another reason was Sony and Microsoft said no to the app like they said no to mods.
Perhaps with the new generation of consoles the excuse for lack of power don’t stand anymore. But I’d be surprised if Sony and Microsoft will change their stance. Personally, I’d prefer to see mods for Xbox and PS4 (I play CE on both) rather than to see the app for a server.
If the game’s co-op mode is an indicator of the physical limitations of the consoles (let’s call them “Stanley Tweedle” and “Brud Parsnip”) I would rather have a real server instead .
I’d almost guarantee that Microsoft would allow them to have mods on Xbox, but FC either doesn’t have the will or the manpower to introduce it as a feature. Even though mods are made by players there would be be work for FC to do, and also likely maintain to get and keep them running on console.
Steam already has a workshop that they run, but there is no equivalent to this for consoles
How about something like “RPG Maker MV” for console, to create the mods.
Mods can be on Xbox as (not for this game) I have some but they put a limit on space for each game individual and to top off the funcom would have to make a very specific way to download load them through another/their web which must be connected to Xbox and mod author’s would need to be able to keep too separate mod types along with code, versions, limitations, space for console consideration, and I give up
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