Please give the option to disable auto lock on

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Misc]
Region: [EU/ALL]

There’s a really grating and almost game breaking feature, where if you press up on D-pad to change camera from 1st person to 3rd person, or get out a weapon, you will auto lock on to any target and be stuck walking, it’s hugely, hugely frustrating. If you are in first person then get into combat with someone, you need to enter 3rd person as that’s the only way to use weapons, but doing so forces auto lock and messes you up. If you’re near a friend and have PVP turned off, you auto lock on, which is bizarre. It cannot be turned off currently, only if manual lock on (clicking R3) is disabled which isn’t what I want to do. I know some have been unable to play because of this. I really like the game, but would be grateful if the devs could add an option to disable auto lock on (when changing camera or drawing weapon)

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Approach a target or enemy in 1st person
  2. Change camera or get a weapon out
  3. Auto lock on will initiate

I’m not a PS4 player,
But on PC the target lock can be turned off in the set up screen.

If ps4 has a set up page for server settings look under “combat” scroll down the option to turn off target lock is at the bottom.

Thank you for the help, unfortunately that seems to turn off the manual lock on too, so you can’t lock on by clicking R3

Hi @Derangedxzombie, thank you for pointing this out, we’ll send note to the team.

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