Yes, I know there are MODs for this, but I would love it if we could have a bathtub or pool in our strongholds without having to build over water!
Please make this happen!
Yes, I know there are MODs for this, but I would love it if we could have a bathtub or pool in our strongholds without having to build over water!
Please make this happen!
What, something like the large water well, that once crafted, fills with water automatically?
I could see that as something nice, indeed. more so if it was not so obnoxious to place (on foundations and ceilings to) and came in a few styles, such as Khitan, Yamatai, Argossean, and a generic t1 frontier style. perhaps varying sizes. small 1-2 person/block furo bath. medium 3-4 block pool/bath. large modular multi-block pool.
But, that is just what comes to my mind. what did you envision?
if something like that gets made by funcom, it would end up in the shop most likely and not something freely available.
Based on what we have seen in the Bazaar so far, this seems concordant.
This one would also very much like to see smaller shaped pools of water like the Argos fountain that were more like a recessed bathing pool, either Roman (read: Aquilon) style public baths of a large nature or something smaller and upright such as we see in Japan (read: Yamatai).
A large open barrel one can fit in or a long and narrow copper tub would also be excellent decorations.
Even if the water doesn’t count for drinking, it can be present, like in the water trough placeable.
And rubber duckies??
Oh I can see me buying a swimming pool I have rubber duckies if puppy has not destroyed yet.
I think just water " pieces" that fill a foundational area would be ideal and you can make pools, baths, moats, whatever you are thinking.
You have my support on this one Shadiya. This has been requested sporadically since 2018 now and has been well received in the past. For example:
But I am all for a renewed call and a gentle reminder. Let us hope that it comes to pass.
would be sweet if characters got dirty over time and bath or dip in the lake washed off the dirt.
I love this idea
I currently have a base at the oasis by The Den so I could make a “pool room” but it’d be awesome if we didn’t have to do things like that to get such features in our bases
But if you have a bath/pool, does it get treated like a water source?
Can someone come along and drink your swimming pool dry?
Sure why not plumbing and toilets too? Don’t forget air conditioning as well. You may want to research the time period Conan is based on. Irrigation didn’t really exist yet.
Only if we get the rubber duckies too. I demand rubber ducks!!
Hang a Solspeil and a Mistmourn on the wall, activate as required. Done!
And give it dunctionality. Like if you sit in it, you gain a stamina buff. Someyhing like every 15s gives you +5 stamina, max stack of 10 that last 45 minutes. Redreshed buff or something.
Also, allow for dye of water color, so we can have a blood pool. Hell have 6 colors, blue for stamina, blood red for Strength %, purple for Auth %, Yellow for carry weight, green for Vitality, and black for Agility %. Use mats like blood, glowing goop, aloe, yellow lotus, corrupted dust, raw ash.
Probabaly. If we can drink sea water, stagnant swamp water from the northern Jungle biome and brimstone water from the shattered springs, I would say that pool water should be little trouble by comparison.
You don’t have rubber duckies on 1005?
And a ship, like the Stygian ships on Siptah, especially if it can be used as a base, would love that!
I think since we didnt get any form of terraforming - simplest way to do that make some blocks, filled with water (foundations). Square and round.
So, we can make pools, spas, moats.
Irrigation started in the Bronze Age, about 6k BC
Tempered and Hardened steel were many centuries in the future. Even worked iron was a about a couple thousand later.
The game has both Hardened Steel and Refrigerators.
Convection style cooling systems for buildings, as well as chilled water reserves have been around since the Achaemenid dynasty. 550BC-330BC. (ab anbar and badgir).
Even if we ignore the mashup that has Poitain being effectively Medieval Knights (flush toilets with pressurized water being a 16th century thing so they’re almost there), and focus on Aquilon as the most advanced in the West, we still see a Rome Analog. Rome had an extremely impressive sewer system. Spacious enough that it was a popular place to hide bodies.
Toilets with plumbing are about 2k BC at latest as a luxury standard in what is now India. Recent digs have indicated they may have been in use a millennium or two before that.
And this is all without the benefit of sorcery or shards of the outer dark.
Amazing especially when you see the Ganges in India today… Biggest sewer and toilet on earth… Talk about progress!