Please put this at the top of the bugfix list

I happily read the notes for this week and the focus on bug fixing. Please put loss of thralls at the top of the list. Some, like the edge smith blacksmith are not easy to find and they all too easily are lost.

This afternoon when I got home I lost another thrall, a named thrall Njoror Battleborne. I’ve lost countless named thralls since the launch of the companion thralls. Most were named, but at my prime base at the pagoda was horrible, losing even the T2 and T3 thralls installed there. Currently, only Iblis survives out the the 7-10 named thralls that were at that location since the patch.

It’s truly disruptive to lose the high end thralls that we spent alot of time working to find. Please put thrall loss at the top of the list. The message I consistently get is “namethatthrall owned by clannname died [2]”. The last one, Njoror, I took the time to level to 10 thinking that maybe, just maybe, npc’s around the base were responsible.

Njoror should have, with his high end (redeemed) gear, dungeon weapon, and level, with a nearby full thrall feeder, been able to best anything or any 3-5 things that would spawn around the base.

It makes it difficult to use named thralls at all when this keeps happening. It breaks allthethingsofgameplay and discourages reaching for the better gear in game. At least post or please post a link to what the event log messages (like “died [2]”) mean so we might work out what we’re doing wrong causing these thralls to go missing.

Please fix it.


what week is this post??? This is 1-17-2025 and this problem is back now with savage wilds for me!!!


Turn off [uncheck] ‘Living Settlements’ in Settings. Your thralls will still manage multiple benches, they just won’t wander around and/or get lost. Thralls not at stations, before the change, will have to be reset to a station.
The server has to be restarted (not just restart game) for this change to take effect. If you don’t have Admin privileges then you will be stuck with this until Funcom fix it.

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