When can we expect a thrall fix?

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[Thrall dying for no reason]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
1.My Thrall was following me through the volcano
2.I suddenly get this pop up that says my Thrall has died
3.I turn around and my thrall is just gone
4.I have read alot of the bugs people are experiencing. I am too. Pets standing on you while you are harvesting or fighting, following to close, no attacking, etc. I usually don’t say anything, but losing my thrall tonight for no reason really pissed me off. One of the best thralls in the game and carrying the Sword of Crom. She died, no corpse, no nothin. Is this the way we can expect to play the game, or are we going to start seeing fixes to stop all this BS? There should have been atleast SOME progress in fixing these problems by now. I’ve played this game since the day of early release, but it seems to me, the longer it’s around, the more bugs and errors the game is getting.


This happens very often lately.
In my singleplayer I had it about 20 times.
I assume it happens, when your thrall is not correctly spawned behind you, during a fast travel.

I can only guess, that the thrall will try to run the way to you, except being teleported.
So the corpse could be on the direct way from your last position, to the obelisk at the volcano.

Or may be the game just deletes the thrall.

I can tell you a workaround:
Just stand near the obelisk, go only that far, so that you are out of corruption and wait until your thrall is spawned.
Since I don´t move, the game never lost any of my thralls again.

ty Duke, but it’s not about my thrall respawning. I had cleared an area in the volcano of thralls and was heading back to my thrall wheel. That’s when I got the message, my thrall had died. I don’t know how or why.

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Did he step in lava? Their pathfinding has known issues with doing that. I believe they are aware of that and have said it’s in the works with their ongoing rework of thralls


This might be from the same reason;
the creator greatly indreased the “follow” range and on the other hand drastically reduced the “spawn behind” behaviour.

The pathfinding for the ai is still quite difficult in the volcano area.
In earlier versions, the thrall would just have been teleported behind you,
so now, I think your thrall might have taken an irrational long way to keep up with you.

That of course, often ends in cruel deaths due to the lava.

I got used to take thralls through the volcano by selecting the “guard” command and manually dragging my thralls around.

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that’s my guess is the lava, but they usually avoid it. I reobtained the thrall, but i don;t think I will be taking thralls to the volcano again. ty Jim

i was thinking the same thing, although I have never had a thrall do that before. I don;'t think I will be taking thralls to the volcano anymore though.

I went to the Well of Skelos to pick up the tetrahedron-thingie today, and as I’ve read this thread, I knew of the possibility of this happening. So, I picked up my least important thrall (Lian; level 12) and used him in this quest. The part where he died was the lavastream before the Gatekeeper of the double-doors inside the dungeon. I had jumped over and was on my way to the Gatekeeper when I was notified my thrall had died.

So, knowing this might happen, I didn’t give any legendary stuff, just kept him in the Cimmerian Steel Armor, and equipped with Telith’s Lament (craftable). So, it wasn’t a big loss.

Forewarned is forearmed.

I recommend having around 6-7 night-vision potions in your inventory, use the Silent Legion armor and a good sword/axe with lots of damage as you will solo the last part of the dungeon.

This ^



good idea. I lost the Sword of Crom and that what makes it suck so bad. I had completed the Well of Skelos and was just trying to grab a couple named thralls. I think when I go there now, Ill just take myself. tnx for all the comments

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ty Drachy, that’s always been a concern of mine. I wasn’t walking through the lava in this case. I was on the flat area SE of the circular paltform with all the thrall, to the right of the obelisk. That’s why I found it hard to think it was lava, because my thrall wasn’t down near the lava, but idk how else it copuld have died

I have lost 2 named bearer thralls since yesterday. Both lvl 20, with legendary weapons, 250 lasting meals, extra gear, and harvested mats. One was equiped in God Breaker the other equiped with the Blackkeep (legion) armor. One died following in the Well (only Lava stream was beside the path to the exit), the other coming out of the Sunken City. All enemies were dispatched. I do not fast travel, nor was I riding a horse. I really hope this is fixed sooner rather than later.

In addition 1 was from lvl 5 purge, the other from a lvl 4 purge. I use my bearer thralls for pack rats, not for fighting (they just get in the way, way toooooooo much).

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Sorry to hear this.
Yeah, I agree about this bug, and it is quite annoying,
I lost a good thrall in the sunken city, too.

But about yesterday?
You should have seen this coming.

Already three weeks ago, the thrall AI had a huge update in pathfinding.
They usually don´t teleport anymore.
I noticed that already the day the patch came out.
And they will die, when you let them follow through the volcano or the sunken city.
Most of us noticed that already the day the patch came out, too.
Reports about this issue are already three weeks old.

So it you´ve still lost your thralls twice, in the volcano area, you´ve made a quite classic mistake.
The volcano wasn´t safe for thralls before and is right now even more dangerous.

If you still want to take them to dangerous areas, keep them in “guard mode” and drag them around manually from safe spot to safe spot.

I thought the teleport bug was while fast travelling using the map room and/or the obelisks, not going in and out of dungeons. I travel on foot for exploration and legendary chest hunts, and have gone into all kinds of dungeons with no issues. As for the Volcano, my bearer was right behind me as I hit the path that leads to the exit ( no dangers unless you go into the lava at either side of the path, we should not have to carry our thralls no matter where we are.

Pathfinding for thralls needs to be a priority.


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