Please re-offer the Stormglass Cathedral on the Bazaar

Could you please Please re-offer the Stormglass Cathedral on the Bazaar.
I guess this item was offered before I started playing Conan. and WOW … I would LOVE to have it in my builds.
THANK YOU Funcom!! :slight_smile:


My wife and I have it is cool we are going to use it for our next base. @


Items in the Bazaar rotate at some intervals (which we don’t know). It’ll be back on sale at some point.


Probably the best bazaar offering to date, it is great! Dont worry it will come around again as it is popular.


I REALY hope they offer it again soon… I Have a build in mind that the other building sets just wont do justice. I have gaming friends who have it. ITS SO cool.


Eh, debatable. I don’t build much with stormglass (aside from the windows), but I do love the glass ceilings! :+1: it feels a bit desperate, but I try to insert them whenever I can to justify paying for it. Lol… @Marylambs can attest to that fact. :rofl:


Patience young jedi. It will spawn again.

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Lol, I do wish one day they do church windows I just love it!!! @jmk1999

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Ohh so sad this months Bazarr items. They JUST offered this like last month. Ive only been playing Conan the past 3 months and when I opend the Bazaar and saw that like evrey item I already ownd. ya thats sad and dissapointing.
I was REALY hoping they would have hoffered the Cathedral set.

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