Poor performance 3116 official pvp

Game mode: [Online official | Co-op)]
Type of issue: [ Performance ]
Server type: [ Select one: PvP]
Region: [ Europe ]
Hardware: [ PS5 ]

Bug Description:

whenever you try to climb on a foundation or near a foundation, the character returns to the beginning of the climb, making it very difficult to climb, it always happens, it is not something occasional, it is always when trying to climb the buildings. also when running the screen stops for a few seconds and continues or goes like skipping frames. There is also poor performance when entering towns, movements are fragmented or animations skip, especially when hitting npc with weapons or trying to dodge by rolling, you return to the starting point and you can’t escape.


The climbing issue has already been reported, and hopefully will be resolved soon.

Also you need to report server issues through zendesk.

Good Luck!

Poor performance :frowning:

Hello Cojonan, could you please report the poor performance via a Zendesk ticket? So we can go into the server and see if there is something messing with the server performance.

Yes, I have reported it through the Zendesk portal, but so far I have not received any ticket. just a message