Pride of Silent Legion on Siptah?

Can anyone tell me whether it’s possible to acquire the Pride of the Silent Legion RECIPE on Siptah?

I know you can get the pieces and delve them for Black Knight also, but Redeemed Silent Legion is superior.

Scouring the internet I found a couple claims that it’s a very rare drop from The Judge, yet his wiki page doesn’t list it amongst the possible loot.

Could any kind soul with devkit access/knowledge confirm or deny?

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É possível obter juntando fragmentos de diagrama, mas provável vai obter elas separadas (leve / média / pesada)

I thought you could only get the Light & Medium versions that way. It’s not listed on the wiki.

To get any reedemed gear on siptah it has to be spawned in with Admin or made with creative mode.

Since only way to actually learn “Pride of Silent Legion” is to click the tablet in exile lands.

That’s what I had assumed until I saw two separate people claim you could get a recipe for it from The Judge. Memory can be fickle though, they could be mistaken.

It’s also possible that for a brief moment in time it did drop. Things do get changed especially if they were unintentional.

When mobs began dropping the armor they were wearing it was possible to get rusted armor from surge NPCs and dismantle it for the armor shards required to make champion and godbreaker armor. That got changed real fast even though afaik it’s not possible to get those recipes on Siptah either.

I can say I’ve never seen it drop and that the last time I checked there is no recipe scroll for heavy silent legion in the admin panel. Though it’s been a while.

If you happen to be on 6436 or 6442 I can make you a set via transferred characters if you like.


I’m just going to assume it’s not available on SIptah. No big deal. Just didn’t want to be grinding the Judge with false hope.

Thanks for the offer Raeil, I’m good though.

I’ve realised too, looking at the numbers, Redeemed isn’t actually really needed. With Executioner’s Hood, Voidforged Dragon Ribs, Silent Legion Medium Gauntlets, Black Knight Tasset & Frost Giant Boots I’ll be rockin’ 1,339.8 Armor with + 37.5 % Str dmg.

And I just got the Executioner’s Hood to drop which is pretty sweet.


Yeah temp regulation was the only thing going for RSL after all the other stuff came out and Siptah doesn’t need that amount of temp buffering.


If you’re a real lover of heavy armor, then all the above are nothing in front the vault armor pieces. Eldarium recipes are the strongest on the game.
But yes, the dragon bone is extremely cheap armor for what it gives :laughing:.

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Armor is a crutch for the weak! My scars are my armor and an eternal testament to my courage. Or stupidity… One of the two.


That’s the armor i trust the most


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