Experiencing the same major lag on our server as well, and before this unstable update we had absolutely no issues with lag, or rubberbanding or invisible npc’s attacking you or thralls not following you or heck even the buildings having issues rendering in decent time. The game is now pretty much unplayable until funcom decides to do something besides investigate the matter. In my opinion being that I’m just a mere pleb and player here, you’d think they’d of rolled back this update, and began to fix what issues its been causing, so that while they do, we folks could still enjoy playing. Its very bad, and at first I too thought it was maybe Gportal, or mods, however its not its the unstable update. (shame devs release updates before they are actually ready all for the sake of a deadline, only to ruin a perfectly good game and make folks to wait for a fix) I hope everyone who is experiencing these issues report this to the forums here because funcom really needs to see how major this issue is and has become. (you’d think a server with 5 folks who only play on it wouldn’t have this major major lag issue but we do)