It’s still happening, and quite often
Game still freezes after 3.0.2. I play on official european PVE #3033 server. I remember game freezing on Challngers tab. But mostly for me it freezes when I approach other player base to use his Map Room. With rate of 90% rate of it happening everytime maybe it’s a good “Steps to reproduce it” example.Not exactly tab freeze but definetly in freeze cathegory.
So I’ve got tiny little starter base near Sepermeru’s Seth district on official european PVE #3033 server . When I run from my base into Seth District and then follow path to the right[which is on higher ground than majority of Sepermeru, you know there’s 2 blacksmiths allways spawning there right next to working benches] untill I reach “Boris Brejcha” storm glass base with free acess opened up Map Room right next to that base. Freeze often happens when I exit Sepermeru and other player bases start loading up in that area. If game doesn’t freeze I witness a major lag there.
My PlayStation 4 model is CUH-1004A. I play on wired connection. Arround 100MB/s[Megabytes not marketing Megabits] download and 10MB/s upload speed.
Sorry, for the mess but I wanted to Reply to you to be shure you’ll get notified. Instead I think I replied to this topic in general. OMG
I mainly play single player and although the last patch has improved the game a lot it still freezes. I have noticed for me at least it freezes the most when scrolling the lab menu through the challenges, battle pass and bazaar but can also happen randomly anywhere. Other issues/bugs i have noticed is when moving items from a crafting station station/chest to inventory and vice versa disappear completely (not very often), rendering lag, blurry map in and out, visual mechanics (character jiggle physics) armor/flag motion frozen and recently unable to load challenges, battle pass and bazaar mainly when they reset, had to log out and back in for them to load in (could be a time/lag issue).
Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3169
Bug Description:
Game started lagging severely when i was running around at the Great Dam. Then it just crashed. I had also died for some reason and spawned at the desert after falling through the map for a while.
Bug Reproduction:
Run at the Great Dam.
Greetings Everyone,
Thank you for providing us with this inforamtion. I’ve passed all this info to the rest of the team for further investigation.
Please keep an eye out on our future game updates as we are always working on improving the world of Conan Exiles.
hah yeah… Hey Funcom… I might spend more money if the game actually worked
Freeing still occurs. Tell your devs to get a PS4Pro or slim and see for themselves.
The game should run on all PS4 consoles, not like Cyberpunk. Please don’t use the ps5 performance as an example, it’s a ps4 version after all.
Sometimes when game freezes and you force close it - screen goes all black, then blue screen pops up “There’s been an error in system software (CE-36329-3)”. There’s not even option to send Error report to Sony, it only tells you to update your console operating system firmware to the latest version. Yesterday indeed there was 10.01 update. And for entire day I didn’t witness a single freeze during my Single Player playthorugh. Untill I wanted to use portal to get to my main relativley big castle like base on Noob River. Game get stuck on Conan Exiles loading screen same screen as you wait where you start your solo map. And now my game freezes on daily bases when I’m inside my main base.
This hardcore error[black screen, blue screen with no send error report option, only with advice to update your system] was happening from time to time before and there were no operating system update available when I was going Settings/Update system firmware.
This is bad. My PlayStation 4 model is CUH-1004A.
Edit: Another case of blue screen error after force closing app without an option to send error report to Sony just occured but without black screen and with different error code CE-34878-0
I haven’t even been able to login in, in 5 days due to the game crashing. I logged in a different server last night and played, so it’s not all severs. Do your screen stay dark and flash about 15 second after you log in?
I totally agree with all you have reported. I am having the same issues, constantly. I am about ready to move on to another game.
Yeah just move on until 4.0 maybe they’ll fix the game by then. Oh wait it’s been 3-4 years and nothing much has changed they only made the game laggier and unplayable. And super unbalanced . Imagine taking 8 months to figure out 100% armour pen arrow glitch people 2 shooting full armours players. Imagine thralls 1 shooting people practically since launch and only fixing it not too long ago. Imagine bringing horses into game and practically any weapon was 1 shooting people on horse. Imagine sabres practically 1 shooting players too? Like they took years to fix simple problems it’s actually crazy to think about. They have to be faster in situations like this. There’s no excuse what are they not playing their own game??? And on top of that you can get banned for playing a survival / sandbox game for building. Mind blown . What’s the point of playing at that point anyone can mass report me and I’ll get banned no questions ask. No investigation before the ban .
Instead of trashing this post you should go to Feedback section of Funcom forum and leave your thoughts there. This is PlayStation Bug Reports and this topic is dedicated to sp3cific feezing/crashing issue.
I’ve been complaining about this game since 2-3 years ago in forums about 1 shot everything it took them 2 -3 years to even do that. Literally 3.0 they finally fixed lances practically 1-2 ahooting you. You know how boring pvp was cause of that .
This post is in the bug reports
I noticed my (Official Siptah) server has all the Maelstrom storm creatures out wandering around long after the storm vanished (they’re supposed to vanish with the storm)
Yeah, this has been mentioned in their updates as an ongoing bug that they’re trying to resolve. Along with that notice is the yellow lotus potion potentially deleting known recipes.
same here. Very High Reproducability.
Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: widget1962
Bug Description:
Multiple times while going to inventory, my game freezes on me while passing through the Challenges, Battlepass and Bazaar pages.
Bug Reproduction:
Going by the Battlepass page or Bazaar page, on my way to Inventory page. One of those 2 pages tend to freeze up the game. I have to close out the game and reopen it.
Yes, yes, yes.
Conan has become more about recovering your body gear and thralls and less about playing the game. Wonderful to see people posting their bug reports so beautifully I try but keep ■■■■■■■■ up my bug reports, so I post here to say me too, and thank you to the people who take the time to post these wonderful reports. I am still learning.
Thank you for taking the time to post these wonderful bug reports to fix this game we love.