PS4 - Manifest Destiny Server - 60 slot - 24/7 PvP - Timed Building Damage

Come join us at Manifest Destiny, a 60 slot PvP server. 24/7 PvP, still somewhat young, a couple of clans with 3-4 people, and only one 8 man which are all still gearing. Nice community, no griefers and there is a 24 hour safe period for new players to catch up before losing pvp immunity the following day. As of now, resources are more than abundant everywhere and no single clan hoards any biodomes.

Building raid times are

M-F 5pm EST to 2pm EST Sat-Sun 12pm EST till 3am EST.

We would enjoy people who bring friends as more established clans means more fun! Competition is always fun, and we even find truces between clans every so often to do dungeons and resource runs (I.E. temple of frost)

If you or your group of friends (clan size up to 8) want to come shake things up a bit, message me for server details! Several clans have openings, and some of us will be happy to help you with gear to speed up your leveling and help you with building your own bases.

Feel free to message me at ArcheAngel901 on PS4