PS4 Patch 3.0.3 - Discussion Megathread

Nothing has changed on PS4. Ground textures still doesn’t exist and if you would like to check the bazaar or the challenges it’ll freeze instantly. The old DLC system worked well ,why did you f… up something what worked perfectly and ruin the game for a lot of players who payed for it and now they can’t play? Just delete the bazaar and challenge mode from the game and add the items as DLC to the PS Store as before! This 3.0 update was a real sorcery, just the players are on the wrong end of the d… , i mean sorcerer wand.
Single player Exiled Lands. I don’t want to load my Siptah save before everything works at least as before.


Hola ami me gustaría saber si va a ser posible transferir personajes entres servidores

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No grasses on siptha.

Le empresas FUNCOM, dejó de permitir transferencias entre servidores hace algún tiempo. Nadie parece saber por qué o por cuánto tiempo.

Solo he encontrado una mención de esto en un video en Youtube, pero el video está en inglés.

@Payfe, is asking about server transfers, I said FUNCOM stopped server transfers a while ago. I Have not heard anything about FUNCOM allowing them anytime soon. Has anyone else heard anything?

Platform: PlayStation 4 PRO
Issue Type: Gameplay / Graphics
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: N/A

After again another patch, playing on PS4 PRO still has the same issues since 3.0/1.80:

  • textures, specially tree leeves, grass or bushes are invisible when logging in. Sometimes takes more than 1 hour until they finally appear.
  • some creatures still are partially invisible (eg: Dogs, Hienas) or totally invisible (eg: Rinos). Happens randomly on each and every play session.
  • Texture Lag & Framerate issues are horrible. Sometimes the game feels like watching a powerpoint slide session. Happens randomly but quite often.
  • Sound lag - randomly happens during combat, sometimes more than 5 seconds delay
  • Walking inside base sinks my character on the ground, here and there, randomly (a bit better than 3.0 though)
  • Sometimes opening an inventory (player/workshop, etc) takes more than 7 seconds, to the point I wonder if the game is crashing
  • Some armor textures (eg: Cimmerian gloves) or creature textures (small turtles) do not render properly. Only after 1 minute or so they appear and disappear again randomly.
  • The option Performance / Quality is completelly gone from the menu since Age of Sorcery launch.

All of the above were reported at Age of Sorcery version 3.0 - They were never fixed.

Come on… after all this time into “Age of Sorcery” you still haven’t fixed these major issues? It’s not only PS4, but on all platforms including PC.

I’m sure one of the main issues with the game is having the shops dynamically running in the background. If I go to the Bazaar shop it immediately appears in full sound/glory - this sounds like it is running already in the background, eating machine resources. Be smart and do like Ubisoft does on AC games, you press the shop and are redirected to another application, not on the same game - if you leave the shop the resources are free again.


This is freaking Ridiculous.
Good on you for taking the time @Draltar .

Tonight my PS4 Blackscreen locked up. Conan is the only game this happens on.

Freaking Ridiculous state. Lots of other games, I know I know, I just kept hoping for more. Ah well it was a good ride.

Like others have already said, see you all in 6 months. Fight the good fight guys.

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I also have the same Issues as before. Crashing/Bluescreen and freezing inside or near large Bases. Very long loading Times at the Start and for Textures,… And other Performance Issues on the whole Map. I was never been able to open the Menu for Challenges, Battlepass or Basar, this crashes immediatly since Update 3.0.

PS4, Ethernet Cable, Isle of siptah, Official Server 8004, i have to play in Performance-Mode.

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Conan exiles age of sorcery
On going issues

  1. Load times are less now that I moved it from the external hard drive. Still well over 2 minutes or more. Today it crashed while using transport, the load screen never completed. Yesterday died to a npc fighter while still in load screen after exiting well of skelos.

  2. The game screen flickers for at least 15 seconds every single time when entering the world for the first time.

  3. Conjuring spell stones for selection still crashes the game.

  4. Fought the cave spider boss today and it was invisible

  5. Game always crashes when approaching a large base.

  6. Base always takes minutes to fully appear when approaching.

  7. Game has starting crashing when just looking at a crafting table inv.

During a single hour the crashes at least three times. It’s nearly unplayable at this point.


Hello @Ignasi can you tell us why more and more problems appear with each patch?

I don’t mean that in a bad way, but every patch so far hasn’t brought any improvement in the quality of the game.
The graphics still take forever to load. (PS5)

It’s still very laggy.

Sometimes opponents don’t appear or you get energy deducted just like that.


PLEASE fix this game it is freezing, lagging, rubberbanding, I die from crashing from something killing me or something then I spawn in a random dungeon I didn’t go into in the first place. this is really irritating this seems to happen every single time you guys release a major update. I don’t know if you guys test the update before releasing it really well or you just half way test the updates or what I don’t know if it’s g portal or coding issues etc.

Us as fans should not have to worry about any of this and it is extremely irritating because I love you guys and I love Conan exiles and I just want to enjoy the game without issues and I’m rooting for you all at funcom but this stuff needs fixed extremely. You guys should reaaaaally focus more and do more work on patches and updates before releasing them just pleas edo your best with these things polish the hell out of them before releasing them.

I honestly think you should setback the 3.0 update in general until it is perfectly polished or at least not having these major issues, the main title is age of sorcery yet we are having issues with the main catalyst of the update. I just have to display my irritation and hope you guys do something soon with this update. I love you guys and I love this game I just want the experience to be smooth again please. fans are going to be upset whether you setback 3.0 or not but I’d rather you do that in order to fix it and to have a smooth experience again. Or if you can come out with a patch that actually fixes these things that will be the perfect scenario. Just please fix this guy’s it’s extremely irritating we shouldn’t have to worry about any of this. I’m a huge fan of your game guys please fix these issues.

This same theme seems to happen every single time you guys release an update then have to send out 5-10 patches to get it back to where it was maybe just polish the updates a lot more before releasing it on all consoles and PC. I just want this game to run smooth again, thank you and I hope you guys can fix this soon.


moderators just closed another thread, but I will say this while this thread is still in existence,

It sure would be great to have a playable pre-Sorcery version of this game. I haven’t uninstalled Conan Exiles yet, but I would gladly download a Conan Exiles/Siptah 2.9 for PS4. Since development seems to be moving away from support for PS4.

Give us a 2.9 and we will shut up.

Every thread that moves in that direction gets deleted. The general feeling in threads seems to be stop being so poor buy a PS5. You can say that, that is fine. Please give us a playable 2.9 that all of my previous purchases work for and you are free to continue to create weeds in the grass for your amazing PS6 version, and tears coursing down the faces of your enemies for the PS7 version, but for the rest of us, could we please have a working pre-Sorcery version for the PS4.

That would be amazing. Thanks guys.

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Whew that was a large patch; 61.8gb that is getting close to the size of Update 3.0 itself.

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Sony should be notified, the game freezes sometimes displays a system software error. You get scared the game will destroy the console. The game is largely incompatible with PS4, it should not be sold as a PS4 game.


Loading in after the respawn timer, loading to an obelisk, and loading into dungeons take so long on both ps4 & ps5 that it is actually faster to restart the game. If you wait to load into an obelisk you get so much corruption due to the long load times. Spawn killing has become even more of a problem as well. Can we please fix the every day stuff like this?