PS4 Twitch Drops Missing

Game mode: [ Select one: (Online official]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvE-Conflict]
Region: [Oceana]
Hardware: [PS4 Pro with Upgraded 1TB SSD HDD plus NBN Wifi]

Bug Description:

Hi there. I watched two hours of Twitch drop enabled video and claimed the drop items on my account. I logged in to Siptah today and could not find the items anywhere on inventory or on benches. I am level 30 on PS4…am I doing something wrong?

Expected Behavior:

I expected to find the items in my inventory. They could not be found.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

It’s a PlayStation thing. They are aware and are looking into it.


Excellent good to know thank you.

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I’m having this problem too. I watched over 2 hours on day 4, claimed my drops, and made some of each item the next morning, but then later in the day, after watching over 2 hours on day 5, and claiming my day 5 drops, I somehow lost access to my day 4 drops, and haven’t yet had access to my day 5 drops. Twitch still shows the accounts as linked, and me as having claimed the drops.

I’ve tried every suggested troubleshooting option, and nothing worked.

So yesterday I had access to my earned/claimed drops again, and made some, but today I’ve lost access again… please fix this issue on PS4, this is very frustrating.

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A week later and this problem is not resolved. Access comes and goes, from day to day, even within the same day. Please fix this.

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I’ve had 3 consecutive days without access.

I’ve had one day since my last post when I had access to my Twitch drops… are y’all gonna address this or not?

They have already posted about this a number of times in one of the many other threads about it.


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