Public Beta Client- Age of Heroes Chapter 1 Update Discussion Megathread

maybe i did not explain myself well, apologies,

i was refering to practices, regarding the updates, never meant to talk about the last devkit, which i believe was realeased with the beta .

the post i quoted myself, explains that i cant say if the new content has or not any inflience on his decistion.

again please accept my apologies if my coments were not accurate or are easy to be misundertstood.

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Fair enough; appreciate the apology/explanation.

I think modders (and I donā€™t blame them) are tired of the constant changes, the disregard for keeping the devkit updated, and the lack of communication. Some of them having been modding a long time and, even in the best of circumstances, thatā€™s a long time to maintain and update stuff. For some of them, I doubt it would have mattered what this update was, theyā€™d already made up their minds.

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i believe you are right.
i do hope funcom pays for his source code and use it, on the game!@

there are games that have signed mod, because it actually helps the game , and are approved by the devs,
but unlikely to happen at CE

Canā€™t complete the heroā€™s quest because I canā€™t remember all of the items needed to proceed. There really needs to be a quest/ quest item tracker as you progress. Or the hero needs to repeat the dialogue so you can go back and follow up and quest for the items. Hard to test new content when you canā€™t progress because you canā€™t check the next steps again. Ufffff!

Watched one of @Wak4863ā€™s videos. He was browsing the admin panel. This one jumped out at me;

I could be wrong, but looks very similar to an Age of Conan armour set;


Assuming itā€™s Black Lotus Bazaar, but itā€™s so nice.



iron slag guardian head? cant recall that one.

I went to go meal prep for my work week and came back to this:

So it would appear that if the thralls donā€™t have clear pathing, theyā€™ll just stand there.

They canā€™t get to the bonfire or bed respectively. It ā€œfulfillsā€ their needs at least.

So I watched the wak vids over the two companions and they are significantly different in stats in a very unequal sort of way. FC, why would you do that?

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Why no emotes drinking and eating while sit for players ? Animations are existing, soā€¦

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I wonder if our chests and benches would disapear once the update goes life

Anyway, the ruin of Conan Exiles during Age of War is not going to be addressed in AoHā€¦ so I think its a good time to quit permanently. Waited long enough.

I no longer enjoy combat at all (which always been a huge part of my gameplay)ā€¦ I still one shot everything or be one shot myself or run out of stamina the moment I fart.

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Oh for fornicating Sets sake, funcom stop automating my branches to wood.

Iā€™ve got to take the branches off my bench when making shapped wood to prevent the game from turning it in to wood, WHY?


Been like that for some time, annoying for sure.

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And there goes another T3 volcano archer and a T3 dancer :rage:

I canā€™t use my T3 wheel. Guess Iā€™m playing around with that today.
I have artisans, I donā€™t have fighters or archers. Lucky I got couple bearers before the bug hit. Thinken itā€™s the level of the wheel.

About wheel

Slaves donĀ“t get lost.

Slaves get lost.

some in,some out,some disappears

Taskmaster aligned with wood,lost T4 thrall

Another freaky bug

I hadnā€™t been there yet.
Why is my thrall there?

Never there.

When I get there I think the girl floating around is one of my lost slaves, she doesnā€™t show up in the slave list when I click on follower tracking.

Today I played naked, just with boots on.
I canā€™t use many things, or dress myself or the warriors.

There must be a bug, I drop something but itā€™s something else that goes on the ground.

This is just a cool pic,thatĀ“s why i donĀ“t care about bugs and things like that.

Something of interest.

This is my Cook, he is holding every tool a thrall would hold from every single bench in my base.

Note that the appearance of props have been progressively showing up over today. If I moved a thrall, they often are in a standing position with a bench underneath them, as you might be able to see here. This was not happening previously. Only now this Cook is holding every tool.

Iā€™ve also noticed that if I am moving a thrall I hear drinking, cups being placed, as if I was assigning to a barā€¦ I have no bar.


Edit to this, itā€™s not a random showing of all tools, if you ghost a thrall onto the benches, it subsequently adds a tool and the sitting stoolā€¦


Nice, logged in naked next to my bed, checked and apparently i killed my self while off line and have lost everything.

Any one have any idea how that can happen?

Iā€™m thinking I need a sleeping tomb and this open base was the death of me.

The hard-earned wisdom of Conan Exiles veterans: before logging out, always put everything in a chest and log out naked.

It depends on the bug du jour. Back when I started logging out naked, it was because the temperature resistance bonuses from the armor would stop working when logged out. Another fun example was when logging out on top of the bed would sometimes end up killing you on server reboot.

No idea what it is these days.

Yeah, Iā€™m pretty sure that logging out in the open is a bad idea due to exposure or something, but I lost track, since I always log out naked. Wish I could offer more help than that. :man_shrugging:

And I am in the sand storm zone. Logged out setting on a bench in the open common area.

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Iā€™ve tested as much that Iā€™m going to test in this build. Until I see a patch on Beta, Iā€™m going back to Live. Iā€™m seeing a lot of people covering bugs and such that I too am experiencing. No point in playing more on a buggier build that has no bearing on my main save.

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