Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: =MODS=
Bug Description:
When i start the public Beta client after update to AOW Chapter 2 and click in the funcom launcher on play the memory (RAM) is going full to 99%. The same issue is on 2 differnt systems with different hard- and software. First system is with 125 GB RAM, second with 64 GB RAM. Both going full and the game don´t;
Bug Reproduction:
In the Funcom Launcher click on play. See the taskmanager, the RAM going higher and higher to 99%.
Strange, If I have the operating system and format in German, I don’t find any corrupted files. If I have everything in English, it finds 4 corrupted files that are requested again. After second check nothing. But with the same result, black screen and the loading points on the bottom left. Unfortunately no change… New Logfile is embedded. ConanSandbox.log (16,3 KB)
For me the following steps fixed the problem:
With a german version of Windows 10 (works with Windows 11, too) I had to install the language pack “English (United States)” and then I only changed the “Regional formats” to “English (United States)”.
Display language still German, Region still German, Steam Display Language still German.
Maybe it is necassery to delete folder of the Public Beta Client from a previous installation, because of the game.ini with the language settings.
When ever I want to play with the Public Beta Client I change the regional formats. And when I finished I change them back.
Both changes without logout or reboot.
Isn’t working for me too. I damn hope that this will be not the same when it goes live. Because I can not even start anything I fear to miss Basar-stuff … hope that Funcom will fix this soon!
Still is not working … hello Funcom, what’s up with this problem? Please don’t carry THIS bug into the live version or any non-english players will not be able to go online anymore!