First all steps I did until now:
I uninstalled the Public Beta Client, deleted the remainig folder and downloaded and installed the Public Beta Client again.
I installed the newest NVIDIA-driver
I checked that my directx version is uptodate
I tried to start the client from the command line
I tried to start the client from a shortcut
I tried to start with and without an installed Battleeye Client
All test have had the same result:
In the taskmanager i see that the conansandbox.exe start to use all the physical memory up to the max ( 32 GB RAM).
After that the usage of the pagefile goes up to the max (I allow a maximum for the pagefile size of 124 GB).
Even if I wait more then 10 or 20 minutes, the game will not start. Not even the splash screen comes up.
Any hint, what the reason could be or a way to fix the problem?
i do have the same issue. it worked on the older version without issues.
tried 3 different drives, graphics is up to date, windows is up to date. run it as administrator in compatibility mode win 7 and win 8. reinstalled visual c++ and directX.
nothing fixed it.
Clicking start in the funcom launcher just loads for ever.
I did some additional tests on a older notebook and a newer PC.
My PC and the other two PCs showing the same behaviour.
All the RAM is eaten by the ConanSandbox.exe process. But the client never launches.
Excluding the file path of the Public Beta Client in the anti virus software (Microsoft Defender) doesn’t change the behaviour.
All three PCs have a INTEL CPU, but different types/ versions
All three PCs have a NVIDIA graphic card, but different types/ version
Two running Windows 10 and one Windows 11
On all three PCs the Conan Live Client is running without any problems.
Two PCs are in a Active Directory Domain, one is just in a workgroup.
On all three PCs the Operating System is installed in german language.
The Public Beta Client is tested in english and german language. Same behaviour.
While my client does start for some reason it’s extremely laggy and experiences constant freezes no matter what settings I use, even if I don’t do anything.
A quick look at the task manager did reveal CE eating a big chunk of the PC’s memory.
The solution is to install the english language pack.
At least it solved the problem for me.
You can use the german keyboard layout, but if you change the regional format settings to german (date format, decimal delimiter, etc.) then you run into the same problem.
If you have not the english Version from Windows, try to install the english language pack.
You can still use your preferred keyboard layout.
This fixed the problem for me.
With english language pack the game is starting, without don´t. This is the difference. But to end of the intro, then i have a black screen with loading animation and the going full.
I did some more tests.
It looks like you don’t have to switch to english as the display language. You just have to switch the Regional Format to “Englisch (United States)”.
At least for me this works. It is still a workaround but faster then to change from one display language to the other, because you do not have to relog.