Puffball mushroom harvesting

I know ive read somewhere that you can do a dungeon to get a bulk of them… but why are they so damn hard to harvest? can you please make their hitboxes as big as an aloe patch please?? honestly i dont get the whole point of this hard hitbox. Im prob going to get some replies like “i played this game for hundreds of hours and learned the ways of crouch swing kungfu for puffballs” but why??


I can give you perhaps some good news. The Gold and Silver are easier to mine now, i mean the small pellets you find around the normal veins.

Currently in 2.4 you farm those with ease now, maybe same happend with the mushrooms also.

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i thought u were just meant to pick them up… lol
the gold and silver tiny stones… kinda like crystals around black sand

Yes those ones, try hitting them with a Pick.

you gota do the crouch trick and don’t use the sickle to farm them use the pick or pick axe

yes, in my OP i said i know u can do that, i just dont understand why you have to do that lol

I think the Goblinoid vaults have a lot of shrooms in the chests. It’s not hard to find mushrooms growing either, look along the rivers, especially in the SW of the map, you’ll find both amanita and puffballs. As a general rule, I don’t even harvest shrooms, since I get so many in drops and chests. I’ve got a chest completely full and still don’t even put a dent in it, since I get so many.

@Ragnaguard: puffball mushrooms are for making gas globes (also to make gas arrows from the globes), mushroom stew, shadespice Puffer Mushrooms, roasted mushrooms (one of my favorite in real life too) and as food for some pets. I am sure there are other uses I can’t think of off the top of my head.

Cimmerian feast probably. I use it regularly.
Also, shrooms should be picked up one by one in my opinion. They are physically one piece you can’t just get 11-22 out of one piece (they are just like eggs). Aloes/other plants are different, they are bushes. That’s why I don’t understand flowers like leavening agent, Asura’s glory: they are single piece materials, just because you slice 'em up into pieces that doesn’t make them suddenly multiply. :laughing:

I think it is meant to simulate the efficiency of using tools to harvest, rather than ripping it out by hand.

Yes, gas orbs drop often as well. So do water orbs, which you use to make other things, one of them being gas orbs. Also, poison gas arrows and orbs are good for more than just farming mobs by gas: against huge bosses, it is possible to get a decent cloud going and ignite it with an explosive arrow or demon fire orb and it ignites the whole gas could. We’ve used this against non human purges, big bosses and a few others. It’s really fun too. Not to mention using the combos of gas, explosive (or demon fire) and oil against structures.

You could put an orb thrower on a small redoubt tower a distance in front of your MLR (main line of resistance) for your base, give them a buttload of gas orbs and a sandstorm mask and let them do their thing against purges.

It’s fun and healthy.

Throwing an orb has an upward arc so hopefully they do.
But I can’t remember if you catch an orb thrower will they automatically craft the orbs themselves or you have to fill their inventory?

Mushrooms are not meant to be harvested with a tool.
They are meant to be gathered.

However, if you have Admin access, you could go into ghost form, sink into the terrain and you could harvest them with a pick, all of them. Obv. that method would count as cheating.

However, it is still possible to harvest them with a pick regulary with no cheating methods, just need to find shrooms on a small hill terrain surface where you can stand lower than the shrooms.

In my opinion, it would be better if they would allow harvesting shrooms with a tool like nearly everything else in the game. Just increase the height of the shrooms hitboxes, problem solved.

But Community Support clearly said shrooms are meant for gathering only. No idea why.


Good question, I don’t know if they will throw over fences. My guess would be no, and that you would need crenelated fencing. Which, you pointed out, right now the followers seem to be jumping out of. That is a bug of some sort, I don’t remember followers jumping crenelations…well, never, until the last update. So, assuming that the bug gets fixed…no, really stop laughing…an orb thrower would probably need crenelations.

As far as an orb thrower crafting their own orbs, dunno. I would assume they don’t and have to be supplied, but I see what you are saying, that just like an archer that uses their crummy stock arrows that magically appear if you don’t load them up with better ones. I have an Orb Thrower II in the box, been meaning to put him out, mayh be its time.

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