Sickle having problems with mushrooms

Game mode: Single Player and Non-Modded server
Type of issue: Sickle having problems with mushrooms.
Server type: PvP and PvE
Region: U.S.A.

You can harvest mushrooms with a sickle. However Getting it to work is extremely difficult and some times impossible to do. Is it meant to be a thing or not? If it is then maybe make the mushroom gathering hitbox taller?

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
1.Try to harvest mushrooms.

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My hat is off to you. I have never been able to use a sickle on shrooms. Now that I know it can be done, I will find a way.

Thanks !



never worked for me either dangit

I tried it on a large patch on the south side of the river. Tried angles, crouching then swinging, swinging then crouching, jumping and swinging, cursing and swinging. No joy.

I think @Anglinex has a secret.



12 month ago sickle were working fine on mushrooms, but now yes have never been able to make it work again

I have only gotten it to work on 2 or 3 of them along the noob river. Just west of the sentinel statues. Also 3 or 4 of them along the river south of the Lumarian city. If you can get it to hit them then it works. The issue is doing it. This tells me it is meant to be a thing. It just needs to be easier to do.

This issue is present from beginning … we’re still w8ing for a fix!

There was not a sickle at the beginning. The mushrooms them selves where not here in the beginning. I’m not a coder. If I was I would mod it and give the fix to funcom myself. However it seems like all they need to do is make the hitbox for harvesting them just a smigde taller.

Hey @Anglinex

Thanks for the heads-up, sending it to our team so they can look into it.

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Really? I thought it was intended since there are so many smaller patches of shrooms on both sides of the noob river and leading down towards the Pagoda. They even grow in other spots on the map, not as common, but in areas not conducive to their growth.

I actually considered it fun farming for them, looking down, when a rhino poked me or an elite slithered up. Quite the rush of adrenaline, scrambling for the kill and returning to get the rest of the clump.

Farming one large patch once or twice each day keeps me in poison arrows to handle a good portion of the UC now, but I spent a good bit of time finding them, with the above fun.

It actually lead me to exploration, a good thing for my playstyle. It is an open-world game, after all, and I appreciate that.

IMHO, using the sickle would make it too easy, but if it were in game I would use it.



Meanwhile, on the Test Server.


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