Purge able to enter base without taking a door down

I just tested another purge and while doing that I watched the purge fighters walk through the gateway.
They don’t walk through the closed gate, but instead, walk to the side and walk through the gateway building piece as if it has no collision at all. They didn’t need to tare down the gate as they walked right in.

That is a big issue. I didn’t record it, but I might do another and try and record it.


The day of streaming, after some seconds i saw somebody says in the chat…
“The new builds will have 10 gates” :rofl:.
Can you try again with multiple gates, because probably all the players will build this way now and tell us if it’s happening in this case too?
And if you can tell us which gate they passed it would be awesome. Maybe there’s a bug in this gate that must be addressed.

@forkyeah reported this as well. I hope that gets fixed before release.

The purge fighters can walk right in.
Black Ice building set.

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I just added a second gate to see if that would change anything, but no, they run through any way unhindered.

What if the gates is placed between the foundation pillars? Three gates can be placed close to each other between the foundations.

Use doors not gates. Place the doors on the side where the purge will come from to prevent some purge thralls from glitching through walls.

(title is misleading as the rest of the OP talks about gates not doors)

Well, I suppose, but the gate is a door so It wasn’t exactly misleading.

And, I wasn’t looking for work around. I was reporting an issue that needs to be corrected.

I had not previously run into the issue before as I usually, almost never, use gates. This time i did and we can see that there is a collision issue that needs fixing.

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The same issue was reported here: Enemies walk through gateways - PC Discussion / Public Beta Client - Funcom Forums

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