Thralls going through gates during purges

Basic Info:

Platform: =PC=
Issue Type: =BUG=
Game Mode: =PVE=C=
Server Type: =Private =
Map: =Exiled Lands=
Server Name: =Pandamomina PVEC=
Mods: =None=

Bug Description:

=Thralls are constantly walking through doors/gates during purges=

Bug Reproduction:

=Do Large scale purges and see thralls run through gates=

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Greetings Exile,

Thank you for your report. Can you confirm the server doesn’t use mods?

Also, would it be possible for you to record a video to better showcase the issues found?

We appreciate your assistance with this matter.

No mods, just vanilla PVE-C Settings. But thralls two gates inside a structure are somehow getting aggroed through gates and joining the fight outside.

Happened to me with my golems as well.

I managed to prevent them to do so by setting them to “attack nothing” mode. Though it’s kinda tricky when you think about demolishers also going through the closed doors and gates, or spawning inside your base near the coffer to demolish your random workbenches.

I would advice you to set your inside fighters to attack and chase the minimal distance (5 meters). This way they should not be triggered by the fight outside, unless the enemy appears in the diameter of 5 meters.

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