Purge failed to find location

I tried “Proclaiming my wealth” and it said they were scouting. But then it failed saying they couldn’t find a reachable location.

I’m on level ground, not a mesa or island. But I am built on the South side of Noob River near the Sandswept Ruins.

Is it possible the new purge just won’t spawn in the Noob areas?

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It will spawn in noob area.

I have same problem as you. Sort of.

When I am on the official server I get the error “There is no reachable location for the purge to setup their basecamp.”

But when I am in single-player, the purge starts within 30 seconds.

Exact same location. Exact same set up. I don’t know why one works and the other fails.


Age of Purge failed to find location


Meanwhile, on Reddit:


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seems legit, stygs came from outside, they dont own a bracelet :smiley:


Ran two purges last night with our treasure base north of the Dregs. The first time, the base appeared across the way near the ruins.

The second time, it appeared right outside the gate. The thralls were inside the FOB walls.

Both times, we had a blast.

Funcom never changes

As to the bug, some people said that the entire map turned “unwalkable” as in you couldnt place thralls anywhere (must be placed on walkable floor). This may or may not have something to do with the purge not finding a route.

I live on official pvp and many people have already done the purge, however. (I havent tried personally)

No path found. YA stygians are to dump, shall i write a map for them?!


Really? Wow, if they’re that dumb, I doubt they could follow a map even if you gave them one. I moved my base to the Savannah and did a quick purge check. Worked for me this time. Now I just have to haul all my crap to the new base.

I got that message, then I opened the door to my treasure room, proclaimed my wealth again, and started the purge. The enemy base spawned right outside mine and I completed the purge normally. So it is worth trying again if you get that message.

The door to my treasure room is that new Stormglass type (a bit bigger than a normal door), this could have been what caused my issue. I notice the new guard door snapping for thralls doesn’t work on this door type either.

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I had two small stable gates protecting my coffer, when the doors were closed, the purge wouldn’t work. Once I removed those two doors, it worked. There are definitely small little annoyances, but playing around with it will hopefully get it to work properly :slight_smile:

And something else I have to offer to the bug list…

Last night I was finally able to get a purge to start. And then it started reliably every time after that.

Nothing changed. Same building. Same guards. Same wealth…

I tried to start the purge again this morning and …


Is it whether the purge works or not simply based on how the server is feeling that day?

Nothing changed! Why did it work one day, but not the other?


There is some bugs Im sure. Theres no way those locations are unreachable. That purge both works and fails on exact same bases is a sign there is some bugs involved.


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