Purge level 1 got randomly cancelled

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 6108
Mods: None

Bug Description:

I had a hard time trying to make the purge level 1 started, it kept saying that there is no place around the base, finally I made some space for it by removing the defensive structure in the front gate. After wave 1 was finished all of the sudden they retreated, and that is after killing half of my thralls. If I recall correctly, it said that the raiders could not find a path to the treasury, so they ran away. Zero rewards, just a bunch of dead thralls of mine, today is a bad day in my Conan life.

More info, there are no fancy defenses betwee the outside and the Treasure Coffer, single wall, and 2 gates, with a 2 floor staircase to the foundation where the Treasure Coffer sits, in other words a simple boxy castle.

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