Purges stalling out after one wave

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: US East

Since the last update on server 1502 I’ve been getting only one wave during the purge. I get a regrouping message. The red X will go away and nothing else spawns. My log has that a purge started and nothing else after that. I’ve tried logging out and back in but the purge stalls out. Will there continue to be fixes to this game now that ownership has changed hands???

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Purge horn and timer starts. (Cimmerian berserkers for me twice now)
  2. First wave attacks.
  3. Regrouping message.
  4. Nothing else spawns and red purge marker is gone. No completion message or further waves.

That was happening on console before the update. Just being funny but maybe that’s the parody part. Hope not for all of us. Good luck.

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@Lrkel Can you provide coordinates of where your base is and perhaps a view of it from a tall structure nearby? I used to play on 1502, and have had many players on my private server experience that problem as well (which I usually remedy by manually restarting the purge via admin commands).

From what I’ve seen in server logs on my own server, this is usually caused by the spots from which purges spawn being covered-up, or the server not being able to find a viable walk path to the intended target location.

I think part of the reason for this is that not every wave of a purge will spawn from the same location, so even if it’s able to find a valid path from the spawn-point it picks for wave 1, if it then picks a different spawn point for wave 2 and can’t find a valid path, it ends not just the new wave, but cancels the whole rest of the purge. And yeah, it only reports the failure reason in the server’s log file, not in the event log, which makes it very frustrating to troubleshoot, particularly without sys admin access. :frowning:


Unfortunately I also experienced this bug (prior to Update 41) on ps4. After around 3-4 waves of enemies the game told me that the next wave of the Purge is regrouping. However after close to 10 minutes of waiting and very thoroughly scouting the area, including inside nearby bodies of water, they still did not spawn in. It could potentially be a spawning issue(?). In the end I quit to the ps4 dashboard as a precautionary ‘soft cancel’. I have not yet had a Purge since the update, so I cannot confirm if the issue still persists or not.


Over the weekend I crank up the purge rate on my server and see if I can get some information it’s a ps4 server so I can’t manually start one but setting at 3200 instead of 42,000 speeds it up big time. @Croms_Faithful @Larathiel


Set purge level to 4 to get a human purges. Most were human. A Dafari cannibal purge with some undead fellows not skeletons
Teleporting to part of my base I had to climb up to twice the rest were down at ground level. This was by Sinners Refuge . Had several at another base with what seemed like 6 waves and coming from different directions Exiles mainly. I ended up setting purge speed around 14,000 3,200 was to fast second one starting at end of first. @Larathiel @Croms_Faithful @Lrkel


My experience with purges stalling out in the past has been due to an enemy spawning under the mesh somewhere.

Although there have been a couple of times where that wasn’t the case. For example, I was attacked by a Jhebbal Sag purge that stalled out, and after a good long while wandering about in ghost mode trying to find the culprit, I spot a gazelle off in the distance where there usually isn’t a gazelle. It was just standing there, unagressive, doing the usual gazelle thing. Sure enough, the moment I chop it to pieces, I get a message concerning the next wave of the purge. :unamused:


Interesting. My Purges tend to get stuck after the first wave, too, and I’ve done similar ghost patrols to see if they’ve been stuck under the mesh. Never even thought to suspect the gazelles. I’ll make sure to slaughter any peaceful herbivores in the neighborhood next time and see if that helps. At least it’ll give me something to do while waiting for the next wave…

The Purge misbehaves in so many ways on my Single-Player for various reasons, some of which I’ve identified, that I can’t really make any useful bug reports regarding it and was starting to accept that it’s permanently broken. Maybe there’s still at least something I can do. So thanks.


Wow good observation there. I usually have a good few mobs in close proximity to my main base, so I really didnt think to try and kill them. A camp with 2 exiles and a nearby gazelle slightly to the east, there are 3 imps in close proximity to my wheel of pain back to the west, and 2 shalebacks guarding a nest literally just south of my landclaim radius to the south. Often the imps and shalebacks wander close to the house, so my thralls on guard kill them, then I just chop them up feral flesh and savoury meat. Fresh supplies ‘delivered’ straight to my door; I love it. :smiling_imp: :metal:

But I have digressed. Next time the Purge stalls I am going to clear all of the surrounding mobs and hope that it helps. Nice find.


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