Put the colored border around legendaries which uses pictures as normal items


Many legendaries have that purple border around the item in the inventory and I never understood when it has it or when not…

But there are many legendaries where the picture itself looks the same like normal weapon/items.
Like this one:
Or this one:

And probably some others, but I ignored this 2 items the first time I got them at UC, thinking its just crap…
Probably the same with this item:

So either give such legendaries a different image or put the purple border around them.



Yeah, excellent point.

Late-game players in particular often tend to just skim through the loot windows because they don’t need to pick up every piece of trash, so things that look like a regular eyepatch, or a stone club, or a dancer top, may be easily overlooked unless they have this “epic item” highlight around them.

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Exactly… That was also the reason I didnt bother pickung up Szeths truncheon… Just thought: “oh… another truncheon, dont need it”.

What kind of a person doesn’t need another truncheon?

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I have chests full of them. Lovetaps, reinforced and normal ones… :wink:

The truncated kind? Ehh… no, sorry, that doesn’t quite work. Still, the Dad codex states “thou shalt not waste a pun, even a terrible one” and so I obey.

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I’d like to know what the purple border actually means or how they determine what items get it. Some legendaries have it and others do not. Some craftable and some not

I think it’s epic flawless craftable item that’ve the purple border.

Epic craftables have a purple border to tell them apart from their regular counterparts. (Even epic armors that don’t have a regular counterpart, such as Cimmerian, have this border - maybe to tell the player that it’s crafted on the Improved Armorer’s bench.)

But some non-craftable legendaries have this purple border, too. Daggers of a Thousand Bites and Misha’s Bite come into mind.

Or the witchdoctor mask, which isnt even Legendary grade, but mid/medium quality… But it still needs a legendary armor kit :smiley: (altough the wiki says hyena fur and wood)

Unrelated and not really important buuuuut they should change the library recipe of yoggite chosen mask or whatever to the mask of the witch doctor. I mean why not? At least it would be useful

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