PvE logged in and entire inventory gone!

Game mode: [Online official]
Type of issue: [ Bug ]
Server type: [ PvE ]
Region: [ EU ]
Hardware: [ PS5 ]

Bug Description:

I logged into the server today and spawned slightly outside the small base I logged off in, naked and will my entire inventory gone, as if I had died. No body anywhere nearby. Character had redeemed legion armor, star metal weapons etc. All gone.

EU official PvE server 3016

Please give me my inventory back immediately, countless hours have gone into crafting and collecting everything that is now lost. I am also in the north and cannot return to my other base as I have no food nor cold protection now.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Not applicable
  2. (etc)

According to the event log, my character was killed by “blank” (there is no name listed) on PvE while I was logged out.

That’s not really an acceptable situation though is it? I play solo mostly so trust me the hardened leather for my armor alone is several hours play. Nevermind the quest items I had on me that I don’t even remember where I got them anymore.

I was near Eyelet Lake, had a base there before for quite some time, never had anything happen like this.

Still want Funcom to give me my stuff back…

They don’t do that. Ever. If you don’t believe me, you can look around in the forums, they’ve said it repeatedly.

Lovely. Sounds like a pretty ridiculous bug, since the hut I was in, my bedroll, and my horse and a thrall - all in the 2x3 hut with me, were untouched.

So I guess I need to avoid ever logging off anywhere near where meteors fall? Any other ​dangers of dying while logged off in PvE I should be aware of?

Thanks for the help btw. I have a bed at my main base so can spawn back there, but also have a thrall and horse with me in the north, so will have to hike back for them I suppose - or put on his armor and leg it back on the horse. But first need to downgrade all equipment a tier or 2 with whatever I have in storage… :-/

That was one laser-precise meteorite

Okay, that’s weird. I also assumed that “killed by (blank)” meant a meteor strike, but now that you clarified it’s a 2x3 hut and there’s no damage to the building, that doesn’t sound like a meteor anymore.

Just to be sure there’s no miscommunication: there’s no damage to the building, at all?

Meteor strike zones used to be no-build zones. Then Funcom changed that and I really don’t understand why, because anything you build in those zones will get obliterated as soon as a meteor lands. And it will land there every now and then.

I’ve never seen any point in gratuitously punishing players with mechanics that the game doesn’t teach them about, and that they can’t defend from in any way. :man_shrugging:

Yes. Don’t log out on top of a bed. There’s a bug that sometimes makes you die from that. If you want to sleep on top of your bed while logged out, strip naked and put all your inventory in a chest. And hope that this chest won’t be affected by the decay/stability bug that has been introduced recently…

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The door was missing. The rest of the 2x3, including the roof, my horse and thrall inside, and the bedroll, were all fine. When I spawned after the supposed death, I was actually just outside the hut next to its wall rather than inside where I logged off.

I used to have a base at the same location (recently lost due to a miscalculation of decay timers on my part), and on 2 occasions small parts of the base took damage and even were destroyed, but never in the spot my 2x3 is and never did anything happen to me inside it.

If a meteor killed me I can accept that I suppose (and learn to never build in meteor territory again), but it should have taken out the surrounding building as well (and I assume my horse and thrall).

Thanks for the tips, I’ll keep those in mind.

For hardened leather, the gold and silver (mostly the gold) are the challenge. With a Garrison Armorers Bench and a named armorer, Redeemed Legion needs 235 alchemical base for the set, which takes a few trips to the eastern jungle to find enough gold for, unless I’m lucky to stumble across a demonic rock nose or something. Haven’t yet found any better places to farm it.

I know you can supposedly buy a gold rock nose in one of the NPC towns but haven’t tried that yet, mostly on account of having to wade through all the hostile NPCs first.

Open to any other suggestions… :wink:

Okay, so, two more questions:

  • How long have you been logged off?
  • Was there any damage to your building pieces? If you equip a repair hammer and get close to your foundations, walls, and roofs, you should get a pop up for each of them showing if there was damage.

Also, do you know about how decay timers work? That’s another thing the game doesn’t teach you about, unfortunately, and a lot of people get a nasty surprise at some point when they find out :confused:

Its a very large area they fall thou… It was good change.

And fun suprise when you log back in, or head up hill to your home to find part of it missing. XD
I’ve had a few homes never get hit… then one day SURPRISE!!! BAM!

Heck, One spot I build off to side, behind large Ice Peak… I went years with out it being hit, one day a meteor went past peak and planted me in face. o_0’

Hence why my home is near small goat path hidden in trees. XD

I tend to always log out in my “safe room” online, so I can easily nab my stuff from chest on a triangle ledge. or respawn on bed in side room. I can’t speak for “blank” death.

I’ve mostly died on log in due to weather, and long load screens…and find my base isn’t fully loaded protecting me. =/

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I’d been logged off for about 2 days, so well within the decay timer of 7 (or 14 over the holidays). I didn’t check for damage on the building pieces but they were all tier 1 (it was a temporary hut). The bedroll was centered on one of the foundations, not too close to the wall I would have thought, and I logged out sort of center of of 2x3 room as I recall.

Even without the door, the inside of the hut was warm enough when I was naked, so don’t think it was the temperature unless it logged me off outside because of some bug. But that doesn’t explain the missing door…

Thanks, I’ll try the obsidian then. Haven’t gotten to the volcano yet, was about to but need to remake my armor first… I’ll check out the area near the Black Keep.

Now I just need to redo the Dregs to get the staff of the triumvirate that also despawned. And then reawaken it I suppose.

Yeah, that’s weird. Does the log say anything about the door at all?

If the log has nothing about the door, then that’s definitely a bug. If the log says the door decayed, then that’s also a bug, one that might be related to some other bugs that have already been reported (but there’s nothing wrong with reporting this one separately, of course).

If the log says the door was destroyed, then it could be that a meteor landed in the precise spot that its AOE damage would only destroy your door without destroying anything else, and then maybe the exposure killed you because you didn’t have a door anymore.

Oh, shіt, I didn’t even think of that! You’re totally right!

I might try to do that later, right now I’m busy with some other stuff, but it could very well be a short timer…

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Log says door was destroyed by blank. Immediately after (same second), I was killed. So it wasn’t exposure. Just some laser guided meteorite apparently.


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