PVE Servers and lack of communication

So its coming up to nearly three weeks with no access to EU PVE C servers on PS4 and there has been zero communication from the Funcom team, no replies to any tickets just a complete lack of response. My question for funcom is what have the player base done to be ignored like this and are you actively trying to push PVE C players away, just what the hell is going on?

I cant think of another game company that treats its customers/players like this, I mean just a simple unautomated response to a support ticket or even a ‘we are aware of the issue’ but no, to be frank its weird.

I myself have given up on the game, no way im going to sink time into it again when it can all just be taken away with no reason but I still cant help but wonder why Funcom are acting like this and pushing away players for no reason.