I just read another thread about “easily” being raided in the current state of the game. That thread was locked so I couldn’t reply. Here’s my 2cents, hope helps, a player helping players.
Many factors can be applied here (clan size, limited build sites, etc) so this is for the other solos having trouble
1 location is everything. Spires like the southern aqueduct tower and west watch keep. Caves like the crevice(for example). Perma structures like the jungle temples and deserters gutter….all good spots.
2 thralls….you want quality and quantity. 1or 2 Cimmerian berserkers won’t help much but 10 with a bunch of golems and a few archers does help. Also level the thralls. Teimos and other easy levelers level them all the way. The slow learners like berserkers and Liam’s level them to at 10. Give them good gear. High end, kitted. Good weapons. Make sure they got food and even buff them if it’s not too much trouble. Again QUALITY and QUANTITY.
3 Defend. When the bombs start going off don’t just start grabbing all ur shit and getting it out. Buff up and get in the fight. (Bubbles is the only exception here, always immediately get her out of the base to a safe location before bugging up)
4 Alliances. There’s always other solos and clans around. Don’t be afraid to hit them up and see if maybe they’ll help counter. Never hurts to ask.
And even if you feel like you’re loading just keep fighting and try to run out the clock til raid hours expire.
But building skills is very important. Definitely ask around and check out videos about base building. air locks, stacked floors, anti climb etc. how you build your base is just as important as where you build your base.
Most importantly….don’t wait around to defend. It’s been said that” when you choose to defend you cede the initiative” This all too true. When you see new clans pop in on the player list go out, find them, wipe them if they look like trouble, before they get too big. The best defense is a good offense.
This is the based on a dream unfprtunateky. As long as offliningis meta, none of the things listed are applicable to current raid servers. And any large clan has multiple BVs for when you actualky do get a nice battle with them, that they dont have anything worth raiding in thier base.
@SirDaveWolf its not that they can’t fight it’s that they don’t fight. They panic and lose their head. And most of them spend most of their time in an encumbrance build. Don’t panic, walk over to the alchemy bench, redo your attributes (full STR, AGI and VIT) , gear up and hold the line.
And Dave usually the braggarts who get on here talk about how other people can’t fight are usually only mediocre themselves
@biggcane55 that’s just a shit attitude. Obviously a bat sayer. Everything I said is applicable good advice. But thank you coz I realize I forgot to mention to body vault surplus building materials and gear making materials and stuff and have a backup. Your base should not be the pillar of your existence. It’s just a “grind shack”, 1 of several. But it is yours so just for general principle definitely try to deny the raiders.
Its not an attitude, it is a fact. Again, your list is awesome, but only on moderated privates. Officials, best base defense is not have one, use an alt to raid to keep main account off logs, and accept the fact if you cant play 7 hours a day, you will be offlined.
This. This is why I started moving away from PVP. I’m too old and go too much RW stuff going on to dedicate the time necessary. COVID opened a door to having more time on my hands to play in PVP but those times are dead as is my zeal for PVP since it’s a time sink with no true reward for what it demands. I keep my stashes up in hopes to have server transfers back online so I can get that stuff into a server I play more often.
PVP has never been about player vs player combat but about base destruction since I have been playing officials on PS since 2019.
I’m in that grouping, unfortunately. The arthritis in my hands makes it tough, though I do make an effort - however laughable or pitiable my opponents may find it.
To add to the suggestions from the OP, I recommend keeping your builds small and have a couple hidy holes with some basics stored there to get you going again if you get wiped.
I started playing on PVP servers because they are not overbuilt messes like PVE is. So far I’ve met some really nice folks and, knock on wood, have avoided experiencing any of the toxicity that normally comes with a PVP environment.
@biggcane55 well I am a solo player, I do play on an alt but only bc my main currently a bv on that server and it’s not as you say. I got off lined one time, it was entirely my own fault. I had stayed all night the night before and about an hour before raid started I passed out in my chair and woke up 2 hours into raid. Forgot to put the bubble up, everything gone. But that’s why I got off lined, coz without the bubble up it was an easy arrow raid. I practically handed them the keys. Every other time they came while I was online. It’s PvP, that’s we play the PvP servers. If you can’t handle it then you know where to go.
@Onomog the locals regulars are usually pretty chill. Occasionally some random PvP to cure the boredom but it’s all in fun. The problems start when the 3-4 man grub gangs come around from a different server.
I did. To other ganes that have actaul pvp and not a 2nd job like exiles So have sooo many other pvpers. You see, you are able to waste hours away babysitting bases, but some like to actually play a game on my time, not trolls time.
Nope. Just despawned it all. And can’t run away if no one is there to chase you. I just up and decided hanging with real life friends on a Friday night was better mentally than running in circles babysitting loot while pkayers waited for me to log off.
You do you boo. Tell yourself you god on dead servers. Me, ima live life.
That’s part of the problem.
This one isn’t actually that good at these things. Mediocre is the best term to describe the capabilities brought to the field.
And yet… this one reliably wins when actually involving in war.
This one is a mediocrity, what does that say about their easy prey?
Otherwise, you have good ideas, but as others mentioned, there are a few difficulties.
Simply put, one must be online to participate in base defense.
Maintaining control of real estate on a PvP server is generally a part to full time job. Private servers may have other standards, but on Public, the superiority of offense to defense is on full display.
So far, knock on wood, I’ve been able to avoid anyone attacking my base by building modestly in an unpopular place and trying to build in a way that blends into the surrounding terrain, attempting to use camouflage. It’s not fool-proof and easy to find if you look hard enough, but, given it’s location, I count on people not looking too closely.
I’ve been ambushed, or run down, while out an about, but it’s no great loss to lose my inventory, should they choose to loot my body. A number of times they left everything there, which was nice.
@biggcane55 me doing me is playing this game to its fullest extent, making friends, and enemies, and just learning new things and bettering old tactics. I don’t build a giddy base on the green wall somewhere, I build old school meta bases and put a bubble (it’s hard to hide that). This game is a blast, it is so much fun. The only time it gets dull is when you start to take it so seriously.
@LostBrythunian its gonna happen. I’m assuming you’re grinding and therefore in an encumbrance build. I don’t know ur build but try full EXP,AGI, VIT. for AGI take rolling thrust. For vit take fast healer and glutton for punishment. It’s a viable pvp build. Most bombers will run that build but they might take extended leap coz it helps them get in and out of certain positions. But with some patience and timing you can put up a good fight and even win a fight I. That build.
Good gear helps too. I would suggest hvy stam armor and agility based weapons of course
Your list is nice, but it presupposes a mindset. I don’t know, something like an ethos. We tried creating that over the years, but due to PvB most great and not-so-great players have eroded away. Now we’re down to the PvB Bedrock, with no relief in sight. Your own admitted experience seems to ratify this.
I think you are too humble. Part of living on a server is overflowing with milk of Exile Kindness, only to have it Raided. Being kind also requires one to be as cunning and fierce.