A friend of mine has a pve-c server and I’ve joined it. I have only been pve to date. I frankly am not good at pvp, does anyone have a good defensive/tanky/noob pvp build?
if their server has no damage to buildings enable, you only need to close your base to avoid someone enter it in pvp time and attack you. On offical pve-c servers the rule is no damage to buildings, and pvp window from 18h to 23h according to the server timezone. Private pve-c servers usually has diferent rules, e.g. pvp enabled all the day but no damage to buildings. On official there are bug and exploits people use to trick other in pve-c, but on private server with a good adm exploiter dont last long so theres no much to worry. Hope it helps. Regards.
The only effective action to do against a raid is:
1 Don´t talk or type anything in the global chat.
2 Do not saludate players.
3 The most time you are unknown player,the most time you will be safe.
4 Look for a small place,4x4x2high,2xhigh if you want the best crafting table,maybe 5x5.
5 Look at/to your base from a distance,check that is not easy to spot from distance.
6 Put your pain wheels far away your base,now you don´t need slave anyone to get warriors.
7 Use the most higher tier you can,use fundations and “base fundations”,you need a fundation and 4 base fundations around it.You can use base fundations on high fundations too.Build with patient and using a lot of pieces.
I´m from Spain,i don´t know if the name “base fundations” is right…check fundations and the other piece of fundations.And at least 3 doors.There are ways to put 3 doors in a small base.
8 Check the viability of getting from over to your base,be carefully with rocks and limits,as you will protect your base but not from an attack from above.
9 Your defenders will need to use all the places,all the pathways,check and check the viability of your ways around the base.
10 Use 4-8-10 archers,there are plenty of archers T4 on river cages,you need to save a lot of slaved prisioners but you will have T4 desert dogs or black hand archers,also adventures.
11 Check the combat behaviour,attack not so long for warriors,archers should shoot but not go to catch the enemies,warriors should attack but then come back to your base.
12 Use poissoned weapons and other legendary weapons or armours,after level them up,before level them up,use the warriors with normal equipement and then use what they need,more strenght,agility.
12 Use gas mask ,there are some that can help you against gas,also some armours give them more vitality and survival than others,it helps.
13 To protect the base,use the best healing food you can,to level up them,use normal food or not the best.
14 THE RAID WILL COME IF YOU LOOK AS A GUY WITH A LOT OF stainless stell,hardened steel,gold,fur,star metal…weapons,armours.
Those last 3 recomendations are the best.
This server is no raid pvp all the time. I’m not worried about the base, how do I build my haracter to survive other players?
You need to practice your fighting style,that´s all.
Some people,i guess,use extra strenght or life,others,agility…you can use also overcumbered…stamina works fine with overcumber skill…and,also,and most important,you can run far away…it´s not a joke!!!
Using controller gives you more quick actions than with keyboard.
And to be honest,most people gets inside PVP to kill others and take loot,usually are really cool fighters…and there is no trick/cheat to win a fight.
Maybe medium armour,a cool weapon,i usually don´t use any high tier equipement,if you lose,you will not lose anything you can not craft again…
Check your style,run and try to hit NPCs,practice against skulls,blue ones or the ones with long one hand sword,i think is in King´s Niche…skull are the best enemies to practice…ask for a fight at global chat,look for servers where players are asking for fights.
And practice.
Try to don´t lose your stamina,use roll back…jump and hit…and take care with daggers…poisoned or not.
Learn how to use them,daggers,steel poisoned daggers are cool for PVP.
The best defense is grit and agility build . If you run fast, restore stamina fast and loose stamina hard, nobody can catch you, so nobody can kill you.
If you have glutton for punishment and accept a hit, your hp will recover alone and you won’t have to loose time on animations. If you have pork feast, then nothing can kill you.
20 agility
Dead shot, shoot them in the leg for Cripple and run, they already lost you…
Double jump, there’s no height to stop you from free diving, just practice it a bit before you become hell jumper.
20 vitality, fast healer (pork feast) glutton for punishment.
20 grit, endurance, steel thewed. No one shots!
Buffs on grit, light grit armor(for fast stamina regen)
Keep your encumbrance on green!
Weapons, bow and katana.
All they’ll see is your dust.
On no pvp hours, play as you wish. You’re not in danger.
Stamina loss is your death, keep it always high.
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