PVP raider help

I’m working on setting up my base on a PVE server to be raided, or at least try to be. With the new raider system coming I’d like to see how well it works; hopefully 500% better then the present purge system but, funcom.

I’m sort of setting it up like a crab, front claws wrapped around the treasure; tower I think. I want to harden up the back some, but that is where my stable a animal trainers are right now.

Now I’m thinking I might want to double up the walkway; 2 foundations, and make the rampart more of a pain to attack. Would like to have finish out the claws; but I have fans that just have to be close to me.

Would appreciate any build pointers.


You would prefer a square because the tips will be too distant from the core.

You need a choke point at the entrance so your fighter thralls are in higher numbers. You heed to thin the number of attackers entering the kill box.

Build walls behind the archers on the outside or they will attract aggro too soon. You want the raiders inside the box, not attacking the outside.

Those stairs need to be tier 1. You want them to break when the fight is on so that they can’t climb.

Place palisades adjacent to the outer walls.

Set the proper tactics, stances and aggro ranges.

That’s all I can think of on the top of my head.

Nice building, btw, @DeaconElie . :wink:

Nah, Star Fort

Same sort of idea but more hardpoint corners to get through.

The island is mostly circular, I’d put the center on the middle instead of off to the side, and star outwards. Coat the outside in a ring of palisades as well for extra protection


Yeah, but experience tells me it doesn’t work all that well in game, @Jimbo . Believe me, you want a choke point to avoid your thralls from being stunlocked if too many attackers get them at once.

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This is what I wanted to do, ya it would have had a choke point


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I don’t know how big will be the purges, but I don’t think you’ll need such a big kill box. But that’s the idea. :+1:

I owe some one a thanks, they dismantlemented their shack and moved it the other side of the crick.

I’ll pop up another screen cap once I’m further along.

ETA: And almost immediately had a salamander hatchling spawn :smile:


I hope they implement it like the current raiding is done in PvP:

NPCs double jumping around avoiding attacks and spam placing bombs 15 meters away.

So people get aware on how trash it actually is.

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Got this much done. That person was nice enough to move their shack so I could finish. Just started on outside walls, but baking more brick.

The basic design of the kill box seems solid. No dead angles where your archers can’t shoot - but it depends on the enemy heading for the entrance rather than trying to make their own. If the enemy attacks your animal pens instead, your defenders are useless.

The design would work very well if the terrain forced the enemy to approach from the direction of the pincers. Open terrain is a pain to defend.

Some of you really think some kind of Funcom magic will happen within this age and we will get a working siegesystem. Sad to say this but with Funcoms history of failing updates this is highly unlikely.

The AI is broken so much that there is almost zero chance of purges behaving in a proper way. In order for purges to work correctly they would need to overhault the complete AI´s pathfinding system. This would take months or rework. They would need to improve camps and spawnpoints etc. This would also imply another change to the combatsystem.

I do not see this happening.


On top of a cliff or stuck between a canyon. In this case, somehow I am seeing the purge going for the core from the outside, ignoring the choke point because the box is massive. The AI is kind of crazy.
@DeaconElie only close the front gate when the purge is coming. And get rid of the t3 stairs. You want them to break and keep the gate open. That’s how you’ll keep them coming inside the kill box. You can also replace fighters between waves and let them heal in a safer ledge while keeping all your force at hand.
There’s a little something that concerns me, though. The size of that box is a violation of the ToS. If I were you, I would keep mats stored and only finish it when the purge meter is reaching the limit. But half of that size is more than enough.

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You’re not wrong. Funcoms batting record is rather poor. When the purges first started they actually worked. I set up bases to take thralls, or basically harvest the purge. But after a couple of updates purges started going wrong. Mostly either spawning inside or on top of bases.

They way they talk the raiders should raid, on ground and could even set up siege engines. I’ve got to at least check them. I’m moving my base on test to a large open area to set up my circular base with 3 Vs pointing to the center. Not sure how to make it effective without building bigger then I like.

If that is a TOS violation every base on the public server I’m on is a TOS violation. If that is a TOS violation, I’m out. Right off I can think of 5 bases on my server just on the south coast, 6 times that size, with huge plazas.

None the less I’m sure I’m getting reported by quite a few people on the public server I’m on. Think I’m any more popular there? I have been painted the villain there and am not sure just how big of a villain I want to be. I’ll point to the above post to give you an idea of what I have to work with.

I’d actually like to set up a platform for my trainers, I never run a big trainer, no need of it. But not sure I want to put defenders back there. Hoping if I don’t engage they will come on around. But this is new and I’m hoping we have more then a couple weeks on test to well, test.

You see that shack has been moved. Thanked the person a few times, offered them a greater salamander; first from the spawn once they moved. SHE got up in my face like I’d insulted her fried chicken.

Sorry to hear it, @DeaconElie .
I don’t intend to nag you about it, mind you. My aim was just cautioning you. An admin might not recognize a kill box for what it is and consider it decorative land claim, with no function.
I am very well aware that your base is minute when compared to the monstrosities we see on pve servers. :smile:

To be completely honest. Archers have yet to prove their value to me on a purge. They shoot so dang slow that their perches are usually gone before they take down someone. For purge defenses, the most consistent are the ones where your building does the work. A fencing of palisades with a ramp that the troops walk up and them onto the Palisades work the best.

They are terrible, @erjoh . The purpose of a kill box is avoiding your thralls from being overrun. Archers just look cool. Once in a while they cripple an enemy and that’s neat. You can put gas masks on thralls and use poisonous gas arrows, but melee dmg is what really matters in the end.
Palisades imply setting chase distances short. Otherwise they will kill your thralls too, unless that changed. On the outside they are safe to place and shave some health of some attackers.

I used to set up boss traps/kill boxes, with just archers. Maximize their damage, give one or two specialty arrows; snake, gas, explosive, but with this I’ll have to figure a way around friendly fire damage.

Why I’d like to have more then couple weeks on test to figure it out. May change my mind and completely rebuild my base some place else. May change the entire design.

Right now the one I am working on on test is bigger then I like, yet not near big enough to be effective. I get the base down so you can see what I’m up to I’ll post it.

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Well this is where I’m at. Think I’ll go one more ring round out and remove another ring from the inside so it’s not so bunched up.
Want to set up a gate system to hold fights in reserve.

I was really surprised to see that two of my decorative hunks in bathrobes (Markos, Bane of Beasts and Varpnir, both level 0 and wielding legendary bows) actually managed to shoot someone last night when I accidentally triggered a Purge on my unfinished base. But mostly I tried to kill everyone as far away from my base as possible, because I hadn’t built any perimeter walls around my treasure “room” yet.

(It also seems that I need to rethink my plan to fortify my base on the beach, as it seems that NPCs have learned to swim, so I can’t rely on deep water keeping my flanks safe.)

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I may replace those big gates with the stable gate, I want wide not tall.