Getting closer, too many entrances, and still want to make it bigger by 2 rows.
Still working on this. down to 3 entrances, and am hardening one base for my artisans area. Once that is done my main goal will be cooking T3 mats. I’ll drop some caps later.
Here is were I’m at. All my artisans will be on the second floor of one section, guess the one section will be the stable and the other will be the green house? I just don’t build big. for me this is huge. Not saying it’s huge, just a real big build for me.
I can only picture raiders coming for their treasures and catapulting all top floors (and crafters inside of them) and also the claws of the crab to dust before even sending their first platoon of foot soldiers.
Dont forget, the new purge will only activate when you log off!
Wait what?
That’s the plan for chapter 2?
So that means Single-Player doesn’t get the purges?
I don’t really get what this is about lmao
Get money through bazaar + bp.
Milk that cow haaaaarrrd.
@SirDaveWolf and I are being sarcastic. The whole siege pve thing is “supposed” to replicate pvp raid server experience in Chapter 2. We just want everyone to get full experience.
Treasure will going the center building. This is far from complete.
Don’t see why not, if you set up a treasure room it will draw raiders.
What this is about is asking PVP players how to build for a raid on PVE.
I’m hoping it replaces the present broken purges.
If I wanted to experience PVP I’d play PVP. I don’t see the raiders being any different the the purges except maybe they wont drop from the sky or just spawn in your bedroom.
I haven’t spent dime one in the bazaar. Just because we have a new game mechanic doesn’t mean you have to spend money.
@biggcane55 was referring to offline raiding on pvp, a detestable practice way too common. He meant it as a joke, since that would be the full pvp experience on pve servers.
Even if you would spend like 10$ per month, that would be insignificant.
The big income for Funcom are the so called whales. These kind of people who have enough money and don’t care about spending it on virtual items. These kind of people who buy everything from the bazaar as soon as it appears and still have crom coins stockpiled.
Some people are crazy
I bought the first battle pass, and fincom just hands me more reasons not to shop in the bazaar all the time.
There isn’t enough stuff in the Bazaar to make anyone a whale yet. And at this rate it’ll be years before anyone could really “whale”.
The handful of people who buy absolutely everything from the Bazaar have accumulated maybe tens of thousands of dollars to Funcom, combined. And there’s nothing to buy repeatedly, such as gachas or other lootboxes with random rewards.
Whales in other games tend to spend thousands, even tens of thousands, of dollars on in-game purchases per player. Conan Exiles whales are barely worth calling herrings in comparison.
Also, with no official player rankings, and “pay-to-win” elements limited to a small handful of poorly designed buyables, CE doesn’t even encourage whaling as much as more compatitive online games
That is just a difference in definition. I really don’t want to put down the big shoppers, they keep a lot of games afloat. But my definition is, if the new store page pops and you just buy everything then try to figure out what to do with it, you maybe a
Working on test today. My live build is rapidly heading for yet another purge, so taking a bit of a break from it. I want to start setting up my work benches, got a lot of mats to cook. But that one area has so much room. I’ll post that again later. But wondering if I should do the outer walls in those fence foundation cross boxes. I want to discourage attacking the out side walls.
The bazaar only makes pocket money at this point. Even if a few dozens of people buy everything, that’s nothing compared to the costs that FUNCOM undoubtedly has. It’s a little extra income. The BP adds a little to it, but don’t think FUNCOM is getting rich out of this. They make a little extra, that’s all.
I think at best they are braking even. The issue is if you want to make money,
1: Don’t price items out of your average players reach. What you lose per sale is gotten back and then some by increased number of sales. But this is basic knowledge, so I don’t know.
2: People need to trust your sales adds. And funcom has proven you can’t.
3: Happy customs say good things. Even if it is a refund situation, if it goes easy people will thank you. As can be seen by a few threads from people thanking customer service for their support; just going to leave that there and you can draw your own conclusions. But we have seen what happens here when it goes the other way. Just handed people yet another reason to not shop at the bazaar.
Cooking mats as fast as I can. I’d like to do each section a different style. One is going to be the stable, not sure about the other 2. Plus the bait room. Open to suggestions I have all the DLCs.
Try to stick to a theme with variations according to function, @DeaconElie .
Where is your base?
The dry basin east of the serpers obelisk. I wanted real flat area with a clear view.
Turanian could look cool there, @DeaconElie .