Question regarding account and battle pass / bazaar


Hello everyone.

I have a question regarding ownership of items.
I recently began playing Conan with some friends, as I already had Gamepass subscribed and ended up really enjoying the building system and purchasing the second year DLC pack. I also bought some crom coins to get some bazaar items.

From that, I get some questions:
Currently I’m having trouble downloading mods to play on servers (I already did the symlink stuff but I get a “not found” message after I press the download all mods button), so I was wondering if just moving to Steam wouldn’t be better
Second, as the game is on gamepass, I only bought the DLCs and they work fine, and I’ll buy the game when it rotates out of gamepass, but do I have to buy the DLC’s again on steam, or is it tied to the Funcom account they ask you to create?
Also regarding that, is the battle pass and bazaar tied to that funcom account?

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When you first login on steam it will create a new funcom live service account automatically. It will not transfer DLCs over from other platforms.

To my knowledge there isn’t a way to transfer these purchases over yet.

I see, so the battle pass and bazaar are locked also.
Any idea on how to solve the mods issue, then?

I do not, I’ve only ever used Steam Workshop to download mods. I’ve heard its possible to do it another way but I’ve never tried it.

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Heck, even I’m a bit confused about what you typed there.

You’re talking about “symlink” stuff, which is pretty much a feature of mod managers, such as Nexus’s Vortex. etc. Are you trying to use some software like that to download them? Or the gamepass version of the game has some bundled mod-manager with it and that functions in a similar way? (I only used the Steam version as well so not quite sure how the standalone ones work from Epic and Gamepass)

Either way, you can also just download mods manually and edit your modlist manually. I typed up a guide for that just the other day in my discord server, here, I’ll paste it.

How to download mods manually
(for manual servers or other versions of the game where applicable)

Step 1: Get steamCMD: SteamCMD - Valve Developer Community

Step 2: Start it up, once it finished loading and gives you the Steam> prompt, type login anonymous and hit enter

Step 3: Find the workshop ID of the mod (it’s in the end of the steam workshop link ex: - the number after “id=”)

Step 4: Type the command workshop_download_item 440900 <id> in steamCMD (replace with the mod ID, 2898150544 in the above example)

Step 5: The newly downloaded mod will be in the following folder structure within the steamCMD folder: steamapps\workshop\content\440900\<id> From there you can either move the .pak file to your ConanSandbox\Mods folder and add a new line to your modlist.txt with the full name of the .pak file. OR you can set your modlist.txt to point directly to the above path + filename, that way you won’t have to mess with it when you update.

Ah, sorry for the confusion.
This video explains the issue with mods on gamepass and how to “solve” it, but I still get the “not found” error.
youtube. com/watch?v =I3soWHLSQnw

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