As I am once again back to run over and murder my fellow server mates using a camel. I found a weird bug? Not sure but there is no slot to place the worker thralls. I have them some how they got placed in to the stations inventory but I cannot make use of them now. What do I do? Help me to once more make new gear to wage glorious camel toe war! Between the toes you shall become jammed in my camels hoof? Feet?
Just place them in the world. They will register in their worstations. If you are playing online, which I deduct to be the case from your post, living settlements is enabled, so they will walk around doing random stuff. There"s a bug that might cause you to lose them, so place them in a room from which they can’t leave. Yeah… those morons don’t seem to be able to do anything right. Good luck!
Well morons maybe a bit much but thats not good I need them in a room… hmm. I’ll have to make my house/castle a bit then rather than the complete thing slowly now. Thank you I was worried about it as all my npc and event werehyena vanished so. Yeah I crapped myself when the npc crafters vanished well.
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