Which thralls have up to 58k hp? Just raided a base and literally all of their thralls were between 18k-58k hp and i just wanna know how thats possible.
Were they all female?
There were quite a few female, but mostly male.
Good morning .
At one time there were male chiefs from the north who had an important life (it is no longer possible to enslave them these days).
After using the admin panel, there is the arena champion and the witch queen (complicated on an official server without using an illegal means).
If the server does not have mods that increase the number of levels for leveling up thralls, then such values ​​will be given by Ladagara, the Witch Queen, Valis and two bosses from the Sunken City.
But for this it should be possible to get bosses as thralls.
There was an exploit that allowed you to KO bosses.
@Kikigirl even bosses shouldn’t go this high in hp unless they are from previous iterations. I don’t know if the exploit already worked.
What is strange is that the OP seems to be a PlayStation player. This is a rare, troublesome occurrence, unless it’s a private server.
Are you playing in an official server or is it private, @ToxicWiper ?
I only play on official servers. Most of the male thralls were between 20k and 50k. But the females werent above 18k.
Something fishy is going on. There’s an exploit through wich people can capture and tame bosses. Those values are possible for some of them, that gain a lot of health by point. A ladagara can easily go above 20k. An arena champion can go over 18k with perks and gear. The males are probably Dunkas or Valis…
Definitely that’s not legit, @ToxicWiper . Even if the thrall versions of these bosses don’t have the same dmg output, they are still dangerous. As the arena champion and valis have fixed guaranteed spawns, that’s probably what they are using. If you catch the fkrs offline and move cautiously, you can take them all out. Place a bedroll near and use 2LA, 2H attacks, mace (or sword) and shield. Don’t face more than 2 at a time or you’ll die. If they don’t have gas masks, just throw orbs and gas them. If you can cheese then with a bow, even better.Then look for the truncheons or hammers they use to knock out these thralls. With some luck, they have it on them or in the base somewhere. It’s a pain to make them, but if the gear isn’t destroyed, they will capture a few more in no time. If they have body vaults hidden… there’s not much you can do about it. Bomb the shit out of them after you deal with the thralls.
I killed all of them. Lol Luckily only half of them were geared. But they all had legendary weapons. Took forever though. Broke my spear and ended up using a mace that i got from one of them. Lol. I kind of figured they were exploiting. Just didnt think bosses were able to get knocked out anymore. Ive been playing since launch and never seen anything with that much hp. They havent been on since i raided them so i figured they got banned. Thanks for the info though. Hopefully it gets fixed pretty soon.
Interestingly, Xevyr’s table has two Isscar the Sellswords that can be knocked out and will grant huge levels of health when leveled up. But I haven’t met them anywhere.
my guess is that it will be Iscar from the cage after the purge
I can’t get those fkrs to fight, @Teng … bug on my end, maybe?
Doesn’t that dude only serve as a trader? I can’t do anything else with him but trading… I can’t even move the bastard!
Those are the vendor versions, so that’s irrelevant for them. For the exploit it doesn’t really matter what the spreadsheet shows thou as long as the NPC can be damaged. They’ve been using Valis a lot and now they’re using the new siege fort commander.
No, he can’t be knocked out.
Do you mind telling me the ID of the siege commander, @Xevyr ? I want to see how he fights when I place him as a thrall and make him an enemy.
I’m always on the hunt for better enemies on single player.
Thanks, @Xevyr !
I’ll see how it goes. I still haven’t seen his stats, but 3 of these in a room will surely make for a good fight.