Reasons why the game is dying

Dude i played many games i know what you mean but the major reason why players leave are the 152626162 bugs and the balancing issues. The game could be very good with a big playerbase…it could be a very very nice game…

Playing survival games for years on end like I do, one sees people come and go.

What you just said, is the exact same what people said on ARK. People still come and go.

At the end of the day, games are like people. There is no such thing as the perfect game. Only games with the right kind of flaws.


Each server has a max capacity…all of the ones I have played on are 40. So anything beyond 40, is pretty much a moot point.

Yeah, bugs need to be fixed, but that alone will not retain many.

Very well put. It’s the same story in almost every new game. The bugs will get sorted, the population will be what it is.

Conflict servers are empty but the pve’ers dont care, population will be what it is. Lol

A patch with 500 fixes? People are still believing their bullsh!ts? That’s gonna be another patch full of lies. Like the rest of them lately.


The game Died like was put to rest 6 feet under in EA for months… server’s with tumble weeds and what not… because of their lack of updates and fixes… they take MONTHS to release new exciting things… they start talking about things WAY to early which lead people to… well i am excited about that why play now? they will fix the issues ok great! ill wait… 2 weeks the patch isn’t here yet? ok ok maybe soon… 2 weeks again… dev stream so guys we have so exciting gameplay to show you with these new features that we should have on testlive soon… right joel soon? yea maybe the 14th of next month? … 2 more weeks go. its the 14th no patch… no nothing… 2 more weeks another dev stream showing basically same thing… and same excuses… this is what killed it in EA… people came back because it was officially released so bugs must have been fixed right??? old bugs that were fixed were some how put back into the game and then newer worse bugs popped up… the game is dying … waiting for 500 items to be patched BEFORE they release an update because they cannot release updates so quickly on consoles well thats is just bad development… pc should have a new patch ever week addressing known bugs…


The Game can also die, because of the bad patches they bring. i can´t even set the first fire on the floor because it says not enough contact on the floor.
Realy Funcom´s Games are playable in 3 years after release.
Conan get some fixes but more bugs come and come.
This game feels also very cheap.
I play Local because playing on a Server is horrible and have massive lags.
The Combatsystem is a nice Idea but it feels truely bad. Copy from Dark Souls but very cheap.
I don´t know.
I love this game it is a very nice idea and has so much potential. But this what we got is still an alpha footage.

Sorry if my english is bad it´s not my Mainspeak.


I hope this patch will come next week…

We paid for the game the servers are paid by us…


IT may not be ideal, but balancing PVP , especially in more freeform games such as this is always very challenging. Couple that with the fact that a large proportion of players will do everything they can to actually avoid having to have a fair fight and you have a very difficult task trying to make it all fair and fun.

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I’d wager you have no stats to back this up. Even if more official servers are running PVP, you cannot account for how many players are playing PVE single player. This is how I play 80% of the time and is what I bought the game for.

Also, maybe you could finish the game in 15 hours if you did a mass headlong rush to level up and finish the slave collar quest without exploring or having fun, but why do that in PVE? I’m somewhere around 100 hours in, level 42 and am having great fun exploring and crafting bases. I reckon there’s at least another 100 hours worth of fun in it for me.

I can appreciate that if PVP is your focus then it’s frustrating to encounter problems with it, but you can’t assume that this is everyone’s prime concern.


I think the opposite. If CE is not improved, and missing content is not added before autumn, in november F76 will take a great amount of this and another games with similar problems playerbase. I’m including myself on that statement.


I’m excited for Fallout '76 too, especially since it’s set in my own backyard, but there’s not a single game out there that has not had launch issues. I’ll be setting my expectations to “reasonable”. There will be issues, some stuff will not work right, and griefers and exploiters will find ways to carry out their hobbies. Plus, this is Bethesda we’re talking about. I broke the crafting system in Skyrim so badly that I could one shot dragons with a bow and that was after several patch cycles. It would be nice if the gaming community had a little patience but that doesn’t seem to be a very common mentality.


I am still playing ARK PvE after 2 years (albeit in “maintenance mode”) . I will be playing CE PvE for some time to come (albeit entering maintenance mode when WoW expansion comes to carry me over to F76).

Then I’ll play F76. At that point I will reach a juncture between 3 worlds…

Will I be attracted back to ARK on their new expansion? I donnoh… Same thing, diffferent textures. I’ll still need to be sleep deprived to imprint dinos too 100%. For every “Wow” they add, they bring 10 nerfs.

Will I be playing CE after F76? I don’t see why not. I’ll be missing the climbing mechanics, and the exile lands looks a thousand times better than the ARKs and the wasteland combined. CE will be MUCH more refined by then. The crowd who stay with CE will be a crowd who have made up their minds about the game and know to live with it’s peculiarities and know server etiquette.

Will I play F76 after it launches? OF COURSE. But for how long? What do I do after I have done all there is to do on F76? I thought No Man’s Sky could carry me forever… It didn’t. I thought Skyrim could carry me forever. I never uninstalled it since I installed it 7(?) years ago, but I’ve already finished the game a few times over.

Truth is, I can see myself returning to CE after F76, simply because it feels good. If CE were completely bugless, it’d be my main.

For now, i’m playing CE, because everything else is more boring than CE.


Everyone is able to install a dedicated server on his PC and play with friends :slight_smile:

I don’t think official servers are the most important, excepted for those who think it’s like a MMORPG.

For me it was always a coop game like Saints Row series to play in a local network or with friends, not on official ones.

I personally don’t like MMORPGs or games that are hosted on a external server, because when the game shutdowns, we lost everything we did :frowning: When hosting my own server, I’m sure I won’t lost anything.


Y’all need some more grit man. I’ve been wiped 7-8 times on this game. Now I’ve finally built a nearly unraidable base. I just got done wiping one of my enemies bases. If you never give up then you can achieve anything. Thomas Edison never gave up on making the light bulb.


" near unraidable" you could easily build an complete unraidable base on some map locations. I dont mean the exploit spots under the map. If you build a small base with spikes and god bubble around it, the base will not be raidable.

I think you will be disappointed with that patch as well. Funcom either fired devs who were fixing bugs a month before release, or they are just intentionally killing the game because they want to move to another project. In the end, I already stopped playing the game, I will just check from time to time if they will revert all of their “optimizations” so that I can actually run the game without stutters (because I did not had them before first combat update). I was even able to run server on same PC for friend and me and I did not had any fps drops back then because co-op never worked for us in conan

All that funcom did in last 2-3 months was making more bugs then fixes with every patch. Game can’t even start without “not responding” for some 10 seconds from the last patch. Even paid DLC is broken.


That’s why I shut my private server down.
To many bugs and gets boring .