Recreate Character Button accidental click

Greetings!, I was playing on “Official EU - PVE g-portal 1053 server” where I accidentally clicked recreate character instead of remove bracelet, is there any other way to get my character back or at least my base? or do i have to start over again
Thanks in advance.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:141578644
Character Name: Jaysun

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Don’t see you getting your character back but this is something that is pretty common and makes absolutely no sense… remove bracelet right next to re create character. It’s almost like they want you to rage. I mean who actually wants to re create character after the first 10 minutes of starting
In the future create a clan and add someone as long as you are clan lead you won’t be able to re create

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Welcome to the forum m8. So far the answer is no. It is not the first time I read or listen this. Personally it never happened to me but it did to people I know.
So no, there is no way. Sorry m8

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