Remove Explosive head golems and star caller on the purge

Does not make sense for them to destroy the coffer when the whole point of the new purge is to STEAL from it. There are base setups where the damage done by the explosive heads and star metal meteors inadvertently wreck the coffer rendering the purge useless.

If there is going to be a future update on the old purge where the sole purpose of it is to destroy your entire base then it makes sense for these two elements to be in it.

Doesn’t it make sense to destroy treasure?

Are you really sure about that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Have you actually experienced meteors hitting the coffer? As far as I’ve seen, it is not possible for the meteors to spawn close enough to the coffer to destroy it.

I don’t think golems target the coffer either, they go for your walls and such. If they blow up your coffer, it is probably on accident.

The purge needed something new to counter the types of “bases” people were using. Unfortunately, now people are just building inside indestructible terrain pieces and ignoring the starcallers, so the purge as it is does still need work, but for none of the reasons you provide.


I wouldn’t bet on it :rofl:.
Other than that even the demolishers from the very first time this purge system had arrived were destroying the foundations around it making the whole purge system stop because suddenly they didn’t had “access” to the coffer :rofl:.
Then again the meteor system was often stop my purges because meteors destroyed the path to the coffer.
So, although i don’t agree with the mood of this topic, i do agree with the feedback that can be given. This systems has “serious issues” that need to be addressed.
After the meteor system, in order to increase the chances not to have a failed effort of a purge, i stopped using foundations, i build with fence foundations only having a clean path to my treasury. Another reason for this building “trick” was the bug of sunken npcs in the foundations and the purge couldn’t progress :confused:.
Golems? Yes bring more it’s an amazing feature and the fact that they hit whatever wall makes it even better. I would suggest for a greater scattering around the base walls to create greater difficulty. And if star metal weapons are not so effective to them, even better.
Meteor shower? It’s amazing but it needs a cap. A star caller shouldn’t be able to summon more than 1 drop and then charge in to the base with a skeleton dragon.
So the player again would have a good reason to kill the star caller before the dragon summoning.
Bottom line? We ain’t going to have an avatar against us, at least give us something really devastating that won’t stop the purge however. So for this i suggest something different.
If the purge path is destroyed, demolishers should start fixing a straight line path to the coffer. Thieves should be able to steal from the coffer as long as they are 2 foundations away no matter the altitude, so demolishers won’t stop the purge.

if you build your coffer ontop of a foundation and then those golems get destroyed. Their heads will wreck the foundation and eventually destroy it, taking out your coffer with it. The purge will automatically cancel which is irritating. The demolishers is a good idea. theyre primary purpose was to wreck doors and obstacles but they dont go out of their way to destroy foundations, as long as you give them a pathway to the coffer.

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