The repair hammersecond function is an upgrade a building piece of a building. T1 can be upgrade to T2. T2 can be upgrade to T3. T1 can’t skip T2 to be upgrade to T3. Resource cost same as it would cost you to build from new.
But that a problem if you have to repare a building but not wana upgrade it. Spec when you mix styles for a more decorativ purpus.
Solution: Building piece must be at full health to upgrade it.
As much as the idea sounds good there is one issue, more than one T2 and T3 building set exists, there would need to be some way to select which set you want to use.
You wouldn’t even need to have the building piece fully repaired to upgrade it to avoid accidental upgrading, just assign each function to different buttons, have repair as the light attack button and upgrading as heavy attack button.
And then you repare click one time to mutch or the parts next to the block you reaper gets uppgraded so not mutch off a solution.
But yes i do understand youre need of an smother way to uppgrad youre Buildings.
And then you repare click one time to mutch or the parts next to the block you reaper gets uppgraded so not mutch off a solution.
But yes i do understand youre need of an smother way to uppgrad youre Buildings.
You can replace building pieces with their upgraded aequivalents already, upgrading them in place.
An additional function for the repair hammer to achieve the same seems unnecessary?
the current replacement system is a bit wonky to be honest. I can’t count the numbers of not correct replaced structures. sometimes it is hard to see in which direction the replacement will point. sometimes the old structure stays in place and the new one is added to the same spot which makes it even harder to remove the old structure. the hammer can replace the structure with the same orientation and in a saver way but it will have the already mentioned problem with multiple versions per tier. maybe the repair hammer is not the best tool for this or it should not work with the materials in the inventory but with the crafted strutures.
Yes dont use the repair hammer for this, ad an uppgrad hammer insted, 1/eatch type.
Seems like an ability that would a waste of time implementing. The t2 structures are not widely used, and i would personally prefer to go straight from t1 - t3 without spending all the extra recourses.
And t2 is mostly used for decorativ purpus in pve. Quite usless in pvp.
You can do this right now without the repair hammer. Is it an RP thing you are asking for or there is some idea behind?
I guess some blocks is hard to gett acsses to and to uppgeade block by plock is not that fun. To just run around spaming a hammer randomly till its all uppgraded is easy.
To be honest, I find it much easier to upgrade as it is right now: I can stand in the middle of a sandstone tower and just click on walls without moving.
With an upgrade hammer, I would have to run to each one. And then there’s the problem of reaching the ones that are high up: you can’t climb and wield a tool at the same time.
I understand wanting to fix a finicky, buggy system, but why not just fix the bugs and allow us to replace any building piece with a compatible piece?
was thinking on acces to block undet and behinde. And you know i was just guessing what the other was thinking.
Believe me, it is much more tedious to do it on consoles/with a gamepad on PC, there is a lot of moving around needed that way, because doing it with the right stick is very finicky.
Oh, so that’s what I was missing! Thank you
Now that I understand that, I would be happy if they implemented the “upgrade hammer” as an additional way of upgrading building pieces, without taking away the “traditional” way.
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