Request and respect for the Beard

This one would like to offer a modest suggestion.
No, not the Yoggite type.

We have now two NPCs who have beards.
This is an excellent start, but could we please see this expand? May, for example, the Nordheimers begin growing their facial hair?
Having Aesir and Vanir warriors clean shaven is, perhaps, a universal that could be best left in the past.

@AndyB and @den are both men who cultivate their facial hair. This one reaches out a humble request that we see more NPCs, especially in the thrallable variety, who also do so.

This conversation is resurrected in this one’s mind after @pixelcave had video review the new, gorgeous, Shemite gear. The helmet of which shaves the PCs face when equipped. Most unfortunate.
But it brought back to mind how tragically shaved so many faces in this game are.

Please, when the opportunity is available, spare a moment to spare the whiskers from the digital shears, not just from the helm, but in general.


Yes, please. :sparkling_heart:


Yes, it would be nice to see more NPCs with facial hair variety. Maybe it can be a stretch goal for Movember. :man_beard:


Oh, and this will probably be an unpopular position, but because it is often asked in other threads, how will it be afforded?

New facial hairs and regular hairstyles could be added to the Bazaar. Yes yes yes, we all hiss in rage, but if money is so extremely tight, then for those of us playing with dolls, more customization of the Exile/Castaway might be a monetization angle (especially so if we ever get the option to drag thralls to the Orb of Nergal, but that’s a different thread).

As for timing, if there is an era of civilization, ancient and wicked, then that would be a grand time to add in more grooming options.
But that said, we got a tavern in the Age of War, so flexibility can impact what “fits” with an Age.


In all seriousness I wouldn’t hate to see beards and other hairs slapped in as a reward in Battle Passes even.

I’m up for any customization because we don’t get mods.


As one of the more martial players I look to you for combat guidance, for instance about the fighting spirit and mercy. If there is such a thing. One item of counsel resonates: always strike beyond the target.

Dear Funcom, please give us beards, and while you’re at it, please allow us to grow hair and beards. Same with our thralls. Thralls come out of the Wheel bald like a reborn Evey Hammond. Similarly, we come off the cross that way too.

Hair growth is a small, immersive effect. As Exiles, we should be stripped bare – I know my own locks would be shorn and made into pillow stuffing before I was left to rot on a corpse tree. In little baby nascent SCUM we have this, and it’s really a great feature. So let’s have beards and hair growth!


Let’s be honest here…
We are exiles, castaways!
Especially a man that’s hunted by the whole barbaric universe, wouldn’t care so much for his looks. How long is my beard, how long is my hair, is my body shaved… Omg no way, lol.
But we are dolls… excellent shapes, no hair on our body, no fat and of course a hairstyle that lasts forever.
Exactly to this point if you could asked exiles npcs, they would demand beard shapes. So having less or none is a bit paradox, it doesn’t fit to a mans world.
So i agree 100% with @LostBrythunian and all my rest fellow exiles, man kind in this game must have different beard shapes, or else, we are dolls.

And if possible, a choice of walking like a normal person, no body builder with steroid shots.
Give us choices to play male toons!


Quality 5th of November reference.

While this one does agree to strike beyound/thru the target in general, in this case this one is, with considerable discomfort, forcing themselves to feign reasonability. Perhaps as an olive branch. Perhaps in the mild hope that honey is more enticing than vinegar.

Diplomacy is not this one’s strong suit. Really, there are two ways this one approaches a situation, attempting to be reasonable in as many ways as possible, or being a somewhat hyperbolic clown. While the bozo outfit is far more comfortable, that’s not always well received.

TLDR; This one is making a sincere effort at presenting a modest and what this one believes is simple and attainable ask in the hopes of it being taken with even a dram of gravity.

Worry not, the curly rainbow wig and face paint are still close at hand, just being held in reserve at this junction.

That said, hair and facial hair growth would be nice
Many moons ago, this one had a conversation about this with someone no longer present. Unfortunate, as they had offered to shave their face and head with obsidian and no mirror, this one still has the money held aside if the video is ever made.


Sure! In fact :slight_smile: Put them on the women too!!! Would solve that other thread too which was locked :rofl:


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Please do not get this one’s thread locked by importing and reanimating grievances from elsewhere.

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Why would anyone lock it for that? :man_shrugging: It’s a perfectly on-topic post on the subject of beards for NPCs… I merely mentioned it being a solution to the other thread as a joke, wasn’t “importing” anything…

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Actually, this is a point of Clarification this one would like, for those who routinely play around with the dev kit and make mods, how complicated would adding (already existent in game) hair (to include facial hair) options to the system that generated NPCs be?
Are NPCs generated from a pool of stock pregens or are they thrown together using traits associated with their faction?
This one knows some named NPCs always come out the same, but there are a plethora of berserkers and treasure seekers in contrast, and the Dances with Bears named entertainer is evidently an entire franchise because she comes out with a variety of hair styles and colours.

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Tbh, i really love this movie and this woman has a stunning voice.
“This is me” is a song that might fit in a conversation like it. People ask for more options for different reasons. Others want a plethora of looks to make it more interesting and others want to fix their own looks.
Personally in my gaming sessions i try to involve people i met in this game and this forum. Whenever i find an npc that looks like the one @Wak4863 is playing, i am happy and i name her as she must. If we have more bearded characters and i stumble to @Eradicati0n toon, for sure he will be named properly too.
Through this Community i give life and meaning to my followers, or better fellow exiles that help me survive in these lands. I don’t use easy well trained, but for “friendly” toons i do it. I like them to be as strong as me and more. Plus i don’t want to loose them, lol.
Come on Funcom, give us an @Eradicati0n npc!


Its not hard at all.

NPC variance is something that is pretty easy, but somewhat tedious.

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Gratitude for the clarification.
That is a double edged sword.
Simple is good, but tedious hits the potential weak point of not having an over abundance of staff.

So the ask isn’t absurd, but it is a hassle.


She must be a Dwarven Vixen! Love it :grinning: